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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Back to Victorian School

Year 3 went back in time today to learn in a Victorian school. All the children made a super effort with their outfits and took to the Victorian rules well. Some children had to be reminded of these strict rules however, such as not putting your hand up, sitting up straight and no talking unless you are spoken to, so they had to either spend time at the Head Teacher's office or wear the Dunce's hat!


Throughout the day children practiced their handwriting, spellings and mental arithmetic. They also learnt about which countries were in the British Empire and we even listened to the National Anthem as part of our morning assembly. 


I look forward to reading the children's recounts over the next few days, hearing what they enjoyed most...and didn't like too! I wonder if there is anything they would keep from the Victorian times in today's schooling?