Fire Crew visit
On Thursday, the fire service came to visit Years 1 and 2. What a great day we had, whilst also learning some serious messages! Dave and Steve the Firemen were very impressed with how much we knew about staying safe and what we would do in case of a fire. In the morning we all met in the hall to meet the firemen. Did you know it only took Steve less than 10 seconds to get into his fire kit? They have to get changed so quickly because time is important when being called to a job. We were very impressed! We were shown what a smoke alarm looks like and most of us recognised these from being in our own homes. We were taught to 'poke an adult, then they poke the smoke alarm.' I wonder how many children went home to do this? Throughout the day each class then had a group session where we were read a story about what to do if we were burnt. We also played a game about staying safe when out in public, including how to safely cross roads and the importance of wearing safety gear such as seatbelts and helmets. The best bit was when we got to go in a real fire engine and one person in each group was allowed to drive the engine! We then rushed outside to put out a fire with the fire hose. Even some of the adults got to have a go! I think we have a few fire officers in the making here at Great Binfields! A super day was had by all.