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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Friends of Great Binfields Annual Summer BBQ Event

What a marvellous evening it was! The new courtyard was a fitting backdrop for an evening alfresco! The sun was shining and it was marvellous seeing so many of you enjoying the events on offer. It was also great for the children to meet Jessie, the Cowgirl too!

Thank you to our wonderful committee who put this super event together. It was enjoyed by all. Thanks also to our staff team who assisted The Friends once again. It was hugely appreciated.

Finally a huge thank you to all of our parents who came and supported the evening. You are all stars as by contributing you are making a real difference to the educational experiences for all of our children at GBP.  

We eagerly await to see what we have raised and we will of course let you all know and in addition, we will be letting you know what our Friends will be fundraising for next academic year too.