HMS Musical Concert at GBP
This morning we had a real treat as the Hampshire Music Service came to our school to deliver a String Concert for the whole of KS2. Phil White and Brenda de Souza played their instruments and our children were so engrossed in what they were doing. Our children also really enjoyed singing some traditional songs and learning some new ones too. Watching them all tapping and nodding to the beat was so lovely.
We are so grateful for these experiences as music brings out out our emotions. Today's concert brought out lots of happy emotions but it helped us to sharpen our listening skills too. Music is fantastic for developing our pupil's understanding in other subjects as well and we hope that by listening to people who have a passion for playing, that our children will think that they would like to take up an instrument.
Not only that, this morning Mr White and Mrs De Souza talked about needing to develop the skills of perseverance, making an effort and practice. This backs up our work on Growth Mindset in school beautifully.
Thank you both for coming in and thank you to the Hampshire Music Service.