Ma Humbugs in Year 4
Last week, Y4 received the brief from Nicky (Ma Humbugs owner) on the advertisement poster we will be producing for her. This year, Nicky has challenged us to specifically advertise her new, exciting Christmas stock.
We have spent time researching the shop, getting to know the products as well as developing the vocab we will use when creating our posters. We got round to coming up with a plan of the content and design of the poster and today, we were lucky enough to have Nicky from Ma Humbugs come in to review our work so far.
Nicky gave us a history of her shop and a run down of the logistics of running your own business. We learnt a lot from this section. The part we enjoyed the most was when Nicky told us that she has made lots of mistakes in her time running the shop and that it is these mistakes she learnt the most from. Growth Mindset in action!
Nicky was then kind enough to spend time looking at our draft plans, giving really specific feedback to help us develop our ideas. Nicky spotted loads of great ideas and thoughts but she also gave useful, critical feedback on how we could improve.
We are so grateful that Nicky gave up her time to come and visit us - the feedback we got was invaluable.
We know lots of Y4s have been inspired to visit Ma Humbugs - we can see why!