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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Science week at Great Binfields

Great Binfields have had a very exciting first week back. It was Science week and the children had the opportunity to take part in various Science tasks.

The whole school begun the week with a launch assembly led by Jonathan Clark, who is the reverend at Christchurch. Science is a passion of Jonathan’s and it was lovely to see him pass on this enthusiasm to the children.  It really captured their interest and made them excited for the week ahead. We owe a huge thanks to Jonathan for his time in creating the assembly.

This year we have paid particular attention to inventors and Scientists who have made a difference to the world. As part of this each year group looked at a range of inventors and found out many interesting facts about who invented the things we use on a daily basis. Each child then had the opportunity to plan their own invention. We had a variety of designs from liquids that will cure diseases, robots that do chores and wands that make the world a better place. We hope some of your ideas really do come true. Perhaps you will get the chance to invent them when you are older.

Each year group then carried out a range of exhilarating activities. We had egg drops in some year groups, with real and pretend eggs. Some made lava lamps and re-created a volcano eruption. Ice cream was made to look at the changes in state from liquid to a solid. We even had some year groups re-creating a rainforest in a bottle. There were many, many other experiments that took place which led to many squeals and screams of excitement heard around the school.

Overall we feel very grateful that the children were able to return to school for Science week, as we have been able to carry out many tasks with them which we hope will inspire them to have an enthusiasm for Science. Who knows, we might have the next Albert Einstein amongst our pupils. We will watch out for all your names, and see if any of you become famous Scientists yourselves.