Visit to Festival Place
Mrs Davis and I took 8 children to Festival Place this morning as part of Basingstoke's Recycling Week. Great Binfields entered a competition for local schools to produce a recycled bouquet. Lots of children have spent their lunch times or afternoons helping sort all the materials brought in by children, which were then beautifully transformed into an extremely colourful, vibrant bouquet. We were keen not to add 'artificial colour' such as paint and pens and use materials as they came in...fruit shoots have certainly been a great addition to the bouquet! We handed in our bouquet which will be on display at Festival Place next week (in the shop next to the old Tiger Tiger. Keep your eyes on our website for more information).
The 8 children who visited Festival Place to find out more about their recycling system had a great morning. There was certainly lots to take in, and going behind the doors to the 'other side' we saw how all the rubbish from the shops, offices and restaurants is sorted, packed and sent off around the world! Even the food is recycled and turned back into water that we can drink! (There children weren't too sure about this!)
Have a look at the pictures to see what we were up to!