We have some great 'Snow Challenges' for you!!!!
1. Play out in the snow - making sure you are all wrapped up warm as that wind is very cold!!!!!
2. Make something creative - snowman, snow angel or any type of snow creation.
3. Take a picture of your creations with you (and your family in it) and email them to adminoffice@greatbinfields.hants.sch.uk so we can share the fun you have been having in assembly.
4. Snuggle up with a favourite book - and then perhaps you could then recreate one of the characters by drawing, collage, junk modelling or even with snow.
5. Play maths games on Abacus or Education City - your username and passwords are on in the inside of your Home School Reading Diary Book.
I look forward to seeing you all safe and sound back at GBP next week
From everyone at GBP.