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Great Binfields Primary School home page

Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

We have some great 'Snow Challenges' for you!!!!

1. Play out in the snow - making sure you are all wrapped up warm as that wind is very cold!!!!!

2. Make something creative - snowman, snow angel or any type of snow creation.

3. Take a picture of your creations with you (and your family in it) and email them to so we can share the fun you have been having in assembly.

4. Snuggle up with a favourite book - and then perhaps you could then recreate one of the characters by drawing, collage, junk modelling or even with snow.

5. Play maths games on Abacus or Education City - your username and passwords are on in the inside of your Home School Reading Diary Book.


I look forward to seeing you all safe and sound back at GBP next week

From everyone at GBP.