Well-being Calendar - Action for Happiness
We are enjoying the resources on the Action for Happiness website during this challenging time. Have a look here - Action for Happiness. Click the link for an enlarged version of the calendar
As today it is April 1st, have a look at the April Calendar from the website. April's calendar focuses on coping strategies and, we don't know about you, but we all need some different strategies to help us manage the challenge of being so restricted!
The activity for today - 1st April - is definitely a good one to do right now given that seeing people for 'real' is so restricted. We'll make a list of all the people we plan to have FaceTime and Zoom calls with and begin to arrange when these will take place - keeping in touch with our friends and family is so important during times of (personal, local, national or worldwide) crisis and challenge. Who will be on your list?
"Everything can be taken from us but one thing; the freedom to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances."
Viktor Frankl