Y4 Extreme Earth round up
On the penultimate day of our Extreme Earth topic, Year 4 had a full day exploring earthquakes and volcanoes. In the morning, we thought as architects and looked at how buildings could be designed in earthquake prone areas. We then went onto exploring volcanoes using some really informative online resources to extend our knowledge. We finalised this by creating a diagram of a volcano using coloured paper. Tomorrow we are going to learn about the "Pacific Ring of Fire" .... intriguing!
In the afternoon, the children got the chance to showcase their INCREDIBLE two week projects linked to Extreme Earth. We had cakes, animations, posters, interviews, Lego construction, models and so much more to demonstrate all of the learning. Seesaw was the perfect tool to share with each other what everyone got up to. A great time was had by all and a huge well done was shared for all of the hard work.
Finally, the wonderful Mrs Lowe delivered a session to our Y4s all about the impact of a volcano. To say we were excited would be a bit of an understatement!
We have absolutely loved this topic and are so proud of all that Y4 have achieved.