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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 3 Iron Age Day

Year 3 had a fabulous day learning all about the Iron Age on Wednesday. The day started with Iron Age Matt giving a presentation on the journey from Stone Age to Bronze Age to Iron Age. He brought along lots of artefacts for the children to investigate and we began by labelling how an Iron Age warrior would dress. Some children were able to hold replica shields, spears and swords to imagine what it would have like to have been a person living in this time period and how the Iron Age communities were setup with everyone having a role that could be recognised with their dress.


After break, the hall was split into four areas, which all the children rotated around. One area was furs and skins exploring how they would have been used within Iron Age Houses and clothing.  Some armour was arranged out for the children to dress up and feel to understand the weight of the armour that would have been worn in that period. Children also got to explore how flour was grinded using a quern stone, and explore antlers and leather from different animals.


After lunch warrior training began! The children all got to experience 'sword' and 'spear' training. When they were not doing the training, there were lots of puzzles or spear tip decorations to create. In the classroom, shield making was taking place with each child decorating their own shield in the Iron Age style out of cardboard and tissue paper.

It was a wonderful day and a great way to capture the children's interest in our new topic this term.