Year 3 Stone Age Day
Wow! What a day. The children looked so fantastic streaming across the courtyard in their amazing Stone Age costumes, as they came into school this morning. It really helped to bring buzz and excitement to the day.
To start, the children selected their Stone Age names and decided upon symbols to best represent them. We then used careful peeling and cutting skills to prep the vegetables for our stew. Later, we headed into the woodlands to build dens and 'hunt and gather' to survive. The children really got into role and were using their learning to explain what each thing they had scavenged would be used for e.g. 'heated' stones to warm water for cooking.
After lunch we were able to join Mr Wood back in the woods to sample the Stone Age stew. We then headed back inside to build our clay Stone Age houses. The children showed incredible resilience when working with the clay, especially as it was drying out quickly in the heat.
It has been a wonderful day. We hope the children had a fantastic day and enjoy their rest (and cooling off) tonight. Have a look at the pictures to see what we got up to.