Year 3 Stone Age Day
On Monday, Year 3 had a great time dressing up in Stone Age clothing and spending the day carrying out activities that would have been done in prehistoric times. We started the day by preparing the vegetables that would be going into a stew. The children all got an opportunity to chop the vegetables that they would later go on to eat. Once all the prep work was done, we looked at Stone Age settlements and the children had a chance to go out into the woods and build their own dens. The children had a fantastic time out in the woods and time just flew by as they built their own shelter. Some children had the opportunity to light the fires for the stew as we left it to cook for the morning. After lunch it was time to try the stew, two options of vegetable and meat. The stew was a great success and some children went back for seconds (though there were some who will not be adding it to their meal of choice anytime soon!). With the stew finished, it was time to make Stone Age houses out of clay. Using pinch pot methods and slip the children made their own Stone Age house. There were some amazing creations, and our classrooms now have their own mini Stone Age settlement. Everyone had a lovely time and it was wonderful to see all the children engaged in their learning. It was tough having to return to present day!