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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 4 Business Minds!

Today Year Four were lucky enough to have representatives from OtterBox come into school as part of their Closed 2 Open days. On these days, the team close their doors and computers and head out to inspire young entrepreneurs. They gave a fab talk where they explained a little bit more about them and their company, how they work and grow their business minds and how ideas are developed. Then the children were put into teams and had the challenge to think of a new invention or kit that could be designed and sold on in an extreme location. The children had to think of their product as a team, collaborate on the name, logo and design as well as come up with an organised and convincing pitch. This allowed the children to develop their communication, team work, determination and leadership skills - all fantastic traits of a strong business mind!


All of the children did so well - the team really was blown away! Some of the company designs included:

-Midnight MoonBall which was a waterproof gravity ball, big enough to hold one adult or two children. 

-STS tsunami raft that conveniently fits into a waterproof, light weight bag.

-A heatwave survival kit that included water bottles in cooling pouches. 


All the children were given medals by the OtterBox team for their great effort and each member of the winning team received a trophy. What a great day! Thank you again to the team for coming in and for inspiring the children in so many different ways.