Year Four Celts and Romans Day
Year 4 have had another fun packed day as part of their Celts and Romans topic. We had lots of brilliant costumes in school today and all of the children looked great. This morning they had a chance to watch some videos on the relationship between the Britons and Romans in this country as well as solve a time line activity to place the key events of the time in order. Miss Grove also spoke with the children about the way Roman roads have shaped some areas in our country, sharing the way in which they were constructed by the Roman people. To model this, the children used cereals to represent stone and gravel and other sweet treats for the rest. Do you know any Roman roads in our local area?
The children also had the opportunity to explore Roman Gods and Goddesses - there was a very strong connection to the Greek Gods we looked at in our previous topic. We explored this further and began making some Top Trumps cards for our favourite God or Goddess. We will be continuing these over the next few weeks. Another project that was started this afternoon was some Celtic Knot initial art. The children have been evaluating and sketching Celtic knot designs in Art this half term and will be completing this learning with a big A3 piece of their own initial, using all the inspiration they have gathered over the last few weeks.
Within all this, we also managed some cooking! The children made some Roman buns that were soaked in honey and made with Ricotta cheese. They also had some pancakes with honey and dates.
Overall, a fantastic day! Have a look at the pictures to see us in action.