Year Four Detective Work
As part of our Lights Camera Action topic, Year Four have been doing some detective work today. They heard a story about some suspicious happenings that took place in a local theatre - a range of valuable jewellery was taken from the prop safe from inside of the theatre and is nowhere to be found! The total worth of the jewellery is in the range of £50,000 - £100,000! Four suspects have been named, including the theatre owner, a rival theatre owner, an up and coming actress and an ex-director. The children had to read through a range of evidence sources including some audio recordings taken from the suspects and use their inference skills to form a judgement on who they think did it. They also had to browse the suspect profiles to think about their motives and opportunities, all while justifying their thoughts to their peers. Whilst all of this was happening, they sketched pictures of what was stolen and had their finger prints taken by Detective Ellis. There are lots of theories going around the detective team.. some very detailed and curious minds at work!
Over the next two weeks, the children will be writing their suspense stories about who they think did it and how they did it before the truth is revealed by Detective Grove and Detective Hanafin.