Year Four Topic Launch
Today Year Four launched their topic of Celts and Romans by having a day dedicated exploring The Celts (we will come to the Romans later). We learnt how the term 'The Celts' wasn't actually given until long after these people were around and that actually this term covers many, many groups of people over quite a long period of time. We looked specifically at some groups of Ancient Celts in Britain who would have been known as many things but primarily as 'The Britons'. We had some information to explore and then our own research to conduct in order to create our tribes. We worked to be as historically accurate as possible and included in our tribes - roundhouses (complete with hole at the top for fire), looms for weaving, iron workshops, farms with crops and animals and much more. All of the tribes made sure they were based on a hill fort to ensure they had maximum protection from other tribes. The children were very interested to hear how the Ancient Celts in Britain would not have got along and in fact would have all belonged to different tribes, with different Kings of Queens and very different appearances.
We have a lot more to learn but we had a brilliant day exploring this time in History and working in collaboration - lots of team work all round!