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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year Four Treehouse Theatre

Today, Year Four had The Treehouse Theatre Company visit school and put on the production of ‘The Romans Are Coming!’ During the morning, the children were split into four acting groups that took their turn to go up to the hall, grab their props, learn their cues and lines and get well and truly into a Celtic or Roman character. Each of the four scenes were so filled with rich Historical knowledge – there were a lot of moments where we were all surprised and excited by what we were learning. There was also songs and laughter … we particularly liked the different characters that Ben showcased. The children had only a short time to learn where their scene came in the play as well as how to bring their lines and actions to life!

Whilst not in the hall, the children completed some Roman numeral activities, painted Roman shield designs, used art straws for Roman columns and read lots of texts all about …. The Romans! Then in the afternoon came the big performance (after our vocal warm up and getting into costume). The children were absolutely mesmerised by Ben’s performance and Miss Grove and I were blown away by Year Four’s enthusiasm, acting skills and ability to get involved. It really was a brilliant day – so much to take in and inspire us.

We know we are very lucky to have experiences like today – it certainly is a day to remember, for adults and the children. We look forward to working with The Treehouse Theatre again in the future.