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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year R Dad's Afternoon

The children of Rowan and Birch classes invited their Dad's into school today as an early Father's Day treat.  All morning the children were getting excited and eager to have fun with their dads.  Once the afternoon arrived the children were keen to engage in the different tasks and share some of the things they do at school.  The children and dads were given the opportunity to take part in biscuit decorating, paper aeroplane making, newspaper towers, maths games scavenger hunt in the woods, sharing books and puzzles and writing about what they love about each other.  For the children who were unable to have their dad with them today, we had some of our amazing year 6 boys come and be super role models for the afternoon.  It was fantastic afternoon and we hope that everyone had an enjoyable time.