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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Virtual Spring Concert

    Wed 31 Mar 2021 Mrs Irons and Ms Rogers

    We are so proud to present our first ever Great Binfields Virtual Spring Concert.

    In January, Mrs Irons set our instrumentalists a musical challenge to complete whilst learning from home. Each of the children in the following 2 videos chose a piece to practise, play and record. 

    As well as being a chance to celebrate the hard work of our instrumentalists, it is also a chance for the children to see what instruments are available to learn at Great Binfields. Please find a quiet moment ) to share both videos with your family - it may spur more children in our school community to want to play a musical instrument themselves. 

    The videos are available to watch on the school website from these links:

    Years 5 and 6 Spring Concert

    Years 1-4

    Enjoy everyone and a massive round of applause for the children who contributed. You have all done so well and will all improve further as you are practicing so well. 

  • Fun on the new EYFS exercise equipment

    Tue 23 Mar 2021 Miss Khan

    Today has been an exciting day in EYFS as we were finally allowed to play on our new exercise equipment.  We have been watching our environment change over the last few weeks. I think the children were all keeping the workmen on their toes and there was no chance of them making a mistake under the watchful eyes of 60 four and five year olds!  After showing great patience and understanding, the children were overjoyed today to be able to explore the new environment.  All of the staff were so impressed with the turn taking and cooperation that the children displayed whilst using the new equipment.  Even with all the new things to play on, the children showed that you can't beat a good bit of rolling down a hill too!



  • Year 2 Traditional Tales tea party

    Wed 17 Mar 2021

    Today our Year 2s had an exciting treat. We have been working hard in class to prepare for our Traditional Tales Tea Party. Usually we would invite our grown ups in to celebrate this with us. We obviously weren't able to do this this year but we still had lots of fun!

    We each helped to make the bunting for it as part of our art project, we thought carefully about what pictures to use on the bunting and how to make them stand out. 

    In design technology, we created a board game for us to play with our friends. It was very exciting to think about the board games we have at home and make up our own versions. We thought of lots of rules and features we could magpie and then got to work on creating our own. These will be coming home as part of our home learning this week, so that the children can enjoy them with their families.

    The most exciting part of the day was making our own sandwiches. We had to choose our own ingredients and then prepare the sandwiches ourselves. Some of us found it tricky to spread the butter/jam but we persevered and we were very proud of our efforts. 

    Then came the real fun, the actual tea party itself. We had music on and the classroom was decorated with lots of traditional tales characters. The children enjoyed eating their sandwiches, playing their games and singing/dancing along to the music. It is always the favourite part of our topic and this year was no different. There were lots of smiles all round, as you can see from the pictures. 

  • Year 4 - Lights, Camera, Action! Topic Launch Day

    Mon 15 Mar 2021

    Today was a rather exciting day in Year 4. As the children arrived in school, they were greeted with a taped off scene full of interesting objects. A crime has taken place. Our local theatre has had tens of thousands of pounds worth of jewellery stolen and there are four suspects. Each suspect has motive and opportunity. 


    Today we investigated items that were left at the scene, jewels that were left remaining, CCTV footage, audio clips picked up from the theatre as well as various documents and letters that were seized from the theatre after the robbery had taken place. The children used their inference skills when reading our four suspects profiles, thinking about what can deduce from their characters. They also spent time sketching and painting images of the stolen jewels - we think they look very effective.


    This crime is going to form the basis of our suspense story writing over the coming weeks. We cannot wait to see who you think is the prime suspect! Take a look at the photos to see what we got up to. 

  • Science week at Great Binfields

    Fri 12 Mar 2021

    Great Binfields have had a very exciting first week back. It was Science week and the children had the opportunity to take part in various Science tasks.

    The whole school begun the week with a launch assembly led by Jonathan Clark, who is the reverend at Christchurch. Science is a passion of Jonathan’s and it was lovely to see him pass on this enthusiasm to the children.  It really captured their interest and made them excited for the week ahead. We owe a huge thanks to Jonathan for his time in creating the assembly.

    This year we have paid particular attention to inventors and Scientists who have made a difference to the world. As part of this each year group looked at a range of inventors and found out many interesting facts about who invented the things we use on a daily basis. Each child then had the opportunity to plan their own invention. We had a variety of designs from liquids that will cure diseases, robots that do chores and wands that make the world a better place. We hope some of your ideas really do come true. Perhaps you will get the chance to invent them when you are older.

    Each year group then carried out a range of exhilarating activities. We had egg drops in some year groups, with real and pretend eggs. Some made lava lamps and re-created a volcano eruption. Ice cream was made to look at the changes in state from liquid to a solid. We even had some year groups re-creating a rainforest in a bottle. There were many, many other experiments that took place which led to many squeals and screams of excitement heard around the school.

    Overall we feel very grateful that the children were able to return to school for Science week, as we have been able to carry out many tasks with them which we hope will inspire them to have an enthusiasm for Science. Who knows, we might have the next Albert Einstein amongst our pupils. We will watch out for all your names, and see if any of you become famous Scientists yourselves.

  • It's great having all of our children back in school!

    Tue 09 Mar 2021 Ms Rogers
    We have loved having all of our kids back in school - it feels so much better being full! There has been so many smiles and examples of kindness everywhere. We are so proud of our children and of our school community. Some great activities going on around school and rest assured we are focusing on your kids' wellbeing - ensuring they are safe and secure ready to thrive. Please give them a huge hug from us and say all that we ask is that they continue to 'not give up until they are proud'!
  • Celebrate a relaxing World Book Day

    Wed 03 Mar 2021 Mrs Osborne

    As you may already know tomorrow, Thursday, 4th March, is World Book Day. We want to celebrate the love of reading and how these can help with your well-being.


    So why not take some time to relax today and maybe have a pyjama day..... sit back and relax with a cup of hot chocolate and indulge in reading your favourite book. 


    We would love to hear about your favourite book so why not upload a video of you reading a page from your favourite book, or tell us about your favourite character in a book on to Seesaw/Tapestry?


    Ms Rogers bought each class some wonderful books which we would like to share with you.


    The first one is called "I am, I can" and it has a positive message for every day of the year. The affirmation for the 4th March is "I am connected to nature" so why not use this to either read a book about our wonderful world or read about someone who takes care of our world like David Attenborough or Greta Thunberg. You could even take this as an opportunity to reconnect with nature by going for a walk; try to notice something new that is sprouting in Spring.


    The second book is all about Calm - and it is all about mindfulness, I thought I would share with you how to do some relaxing "Rainbow Breathing".


    Stand with your shoulders relaxed, with your arms by your side. 

    As you breathe in raise your arms, so they are next to your ears - pointing to the sky.

    As you breathe out, let your hands float down - keeping them straight and imagine you are drawing a rainbow above your head.


    We hope you have a lovely relaxing, world book day!
  • Year 5 Virtual Jungle Jonathan Visit

    Tue 02 Mar 2021 Mrs Osborne

    Today, Year 5 enjoyed a virtual visit from Jungle Jonathan. They really enjoyed hearing all about the different animals he owns. Today, he showed us a tarantula, various stick insects, two snakes and a gecko. He even showed us some tarantula exoskeletons and fangs which was fascinating. Below are some comments from some of the Year 5 children:


    'I didn’t think I was going to like this as I don’t like spiders but after the session I really liked it and my favourite animal was Tango the snake.'


    'Thank you so much, this was really interesting! I absolutely loved it, and all the different animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


    'I loved seeing Jungle Jonathan and his animals. The tarantula's fangs were creepy!'


    'I really enjoyed the part where Jungle Jonathan wanted the Gecko to poo on camera.'


    'I loved every single animal especially the snake 🐍🦎🕷'