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Great Binfields
Primary School

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  • Year One Grandparents' Toy and Games Tea Parties!

    Thu 04 Feb 2016 Miss Finnimore and Miss Hanafin

    Year One have had a very exciting day today - Chestnut's tea party this morning and Oak's this afternoon. They have been working hard over the last two weeks to plan and create invitations for their guests as well as learning how to play games, ready to write instructions for them. They have also been baking chocolate chip cookies and making sandwiches for their guests to enjoy. They especially enjoyed turning a picture of themselves into a toy; ready to be given as a gift to their guests.


    Thank you very much to all the Grandparents and guests that came to the tea parties - the children really enjoyed it and we hope you did too. It was a great chance for them to learn about the toys and games of the past from people who actually played them!


    Miss Finnimore and Miss Hanafin