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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Golden Time Fun

    Thu 18 Dec 2014 Miss Rogers
    As part of our school 'Behaviour Code', children at GBP have a right to Golden Time each half term. The children really enjoyed the different activities on offer. Thank you to our Golden Time Team and Mrs Hill for organising this for us and thank you to our staff and volunteers for running the activities.
  • MSSC Day - Christmas around the world

    Wed 17 Dec 2014 Mrs Barnhouse
    What a fantastic day Great Binfields have had learning about how Christmas is celebrated all over the world. The day began with an opening assembly where each class was given a gift; a clue to their country. Each class then went and found out where the country was, the traditions of Christmas in that country and when and how the celebrations take place. At the end of the day a sharing assembly was held so we could all understand more about Christmas around the world. Have a look at the photos below to see what the children have been up to! Countries included Norway, Russia, France, Spain, Mexico, Alaska, Australia, Germany and Venezuela. We found that a lot of countries celebrate Christmas more on Christmas eve or 6th January in comparison to the UK on the 25th December. Why not ask your children about some facts they learnt today!
  • Well done GBP Choir!

    Wed 17 Dec 2014 Miss Rogers
    We had a lovely letter from the Autistic Society today thanking our choir for participating in the Christmas Carol singing at Festival place.  Check out the certificate below.
  • Don't forget our Christmas Reading Challenge

    Wed 17 Dec 2014 Miss Rogers
    You should have received details of our Christmas Reading Challenge by now.

    This Christmas we would like to encourage you to keep up with the super reading you have accomplished so far this year. We are posing a challenge for you as we know you like them here at GBP! Could you read 8 times over the Christmas break and get your parents to sign when you have completed each stepping stone???

    All children who complete this challenge will receive a prize and will be entered into a grand class draw.

  • Why do Christians celebrate Christmas and what do the symbols mean?

    Tue 16 Dec 2014 Mrs Barnhouse
    The whole school joined in finding out about the Nativity. Each class was given an area of the Nativity to focus on before finding out more about it. Some of the topics included Christingle, angels, wise men, and the nativity story. Activities included acting out the nativity story, making a christingle, designing an angel and investigating what makes you wise. We all then got together for a sharing assembly to share our findings.
  • A Musical Treat

    Tue 16 Dec 2014 Miss Rogers
    Yesterday we were amazed by the talents of some of our children. The quality of music we listened to was phenomenal. They really did give us a treat. You can see from the pictures below that we had a range of musical instruments being played and the children have obviously been practicing a lot. Well done to you all, as playing in front of the school must have been quite nerve wracking in itself. Thanks again for sharing this with us.
  • Well Done Everybody

    Tue 16 Dec 2014 Miss Rogers

    We received a letter today. This is what it said...well done everybody.



    To all the children, families and staff at Great Binfields Primary School,

    Each year Basingstoke Voluntary Action appeals to organisations and members of the public to join us in providing Christmas food boxes to those less fortunate than ourselves, and who would benefit from a little extra at Christmas time. We aim to supply refuges, hostels, underprivileged families and homeless centres around Basingstoke and Deane with boxes containing food items and Christmas goodies, and the response has been incredible.

    On behalf of everyone at Basingstoke Voluntary Action, we would like to thank you for supporting this years’ ‘Foodboxes for Basingstoke’ appeal so wholeheartedly. Your hard work and kindness generated a huge amount - more than 8 large boxes of donations and new toys which will be making a huge difference to Christmas in homes around Basingstoke!


    This year with the help of people like yourselves we have already managed to distribute over 250 boxes. The impact of this cannot be under-estimated, not only from a practical point of view, but for someone who is socially isolated or vulnerably housed, simply knowing that people care can make a massive difference at a time of year which can be huge struggle especially if you are alone.


    In addition to this we will be able to support our rough sleeping community by giving out tents, sleeping bags and essentials to those who do not have a roof over their heads.

    Once again, from all the team at BVA and everyone whose Christmas has been touched by your kindness, thank you all!


    The BVA team



  • Year 3/4 Listen to Me Concert

    Fri 12 Dec 2014
    Today we had the pleasure of watching Year 3/4's Listen2me concert. This term they have been learning how to use their voice as an instrument. During the concert, they sang a wide variety of songs ranging from Russian Christmas songs to Canadian canoe chants. Thank you to all the parents and relatives that came to watch and support the performance which was enjoyed by all. We look forward to seeing what instrument you will learn next term.
  • Christmas Jumpers!

    Fri 12 Dec 2014 Mrs Barnhouse

    Please don't forget to wear your Christmas jumpers on Friday 12th December. You can wear your jumper with your own clothes (not school uniform!) Please bring your £1 donation as this will be going to our chosen charity, Help the Heroes.


  • Christmas service at Christchurch

    Thu 11 Dec 2014 Miss Rogers
    Our whole school walked to Christchurch yesterday for our annual Christmas service. It was a bit of a squeeze but we all managed to fit in. Thank you to the team for welcoming us and for teaching us the meaning behind some of the Christmas symbols. Our children very much enjoyed it.