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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Sports Day!

    Tue 27 Jun 2023

    Thank you to all of you who came and supported our children during our Sports Day on Friday. The children certainly lived up to our Great Binfields values by showing great determination, resilience and cooperation. We had lots of team spirit too both by our children and our visitors. It was great to see everyone having fun. 


    Today, the teachers came dressed in red to celebrate our winners- red team! Blue team came a close second place, followed by green and then yellow. 


    Well done to everyone for joining in and trying your hardest. I am looking forward to next years Sports Day already!

  • Year 5 Costello Taster Day

    Tue 27 Jun 2023

    Last week the Year 5 children were invited to spend a day at Costello to get a little taster of secondary school life. The children took part in various lessons such as English, Maths, Computing, Spanish and Drama. It was a great insight into what is to come for them, whether they are planning to attend Costello or another secondary school. 

  • Year 5 Geography Fieldwork

    Tue 27 Jun 2023

    As part of our geography learning, today the Year 5 children took a walk to the local area of Barton's Mill. They conducted a field study and considered whether the area would be a good place for a Viking settlement. The children considered all of the natural, physical geographical features and thought about if these features would lend themselves to providing shelter, food, water, materials, defence etc. 

  • Year 6 Football

    Mon 26 Jun 2023 Miss O'Hagan

    Our Year 6 Footballers had a great afternoon at St Marys Junior school! The boys kicked off first with an excellent level of team work and aspiration. Shay scored a brilliant goal but unfortunately the final result was 2-1.

    After a quick break, it was the girls turn. GBP quickly took the lead after Kyra scored an amazing first goal. Our awesome defence kept the game level until Cassidy scored the second goal for GBP! The girls game finished 2-0 to us. A super afternoon had by all. Well done Year 6 for representing the school brilliantly. Thank you to St Mary's for hosting. 

  • Year 1 Outdoor Week Begins

    Mon 26 Jun 2023 Mrs Barnhouse

    Today marked the beginning of Outdoor Week for Year 1. Starting our journey into the woods children were given cards to find something that linked to different senses. The cards included: snap, green, smooth, round and yuk! This helped us to begin investigating our surroundings. After that children could explore the woods with binoculars and backpacks, encouraged to look all around them and collect items of interest. 


    This afternoon we enjoyed sharing our books out by the pond area with a friend before we created nature sculptures in the style of artists such as Andy Goldsworthy and Martin Hill. Be sure to ask your children what nature sculptures are and how to make them and have a look at the photos below to see examples of their great designs! It was lovely to see and hear children working together to problem solve and compromise on their designs, thinking what else was needed in order to improve them even more. We loved listening to their explanations as to what they had created and why. Why not try these activities at home when you are next out and about, particularly the eye spy with our different senses!


    I wonder what else Year 1 will create this week...

  • Year 2 Beach Day

    Fri 16 Jun 2023

    We had a brilliant Beach Day in Year 2! The sunny, glorious weather was ideal for the fun filled day we had. The children arrived wearing 'beach clothes' and were ready for the day ahead.

    We had a range of activities to take part in throughout the day.

    The children had a chance to go into the sandpit and take part in water play, like we would at the beach. They enjoyed building sandcastles and burying items for each other to find. 

    The children also used their creativity to make their own ice cream cones. They thought carefully about the flavour combinations and it was brilliant to see some excellent designs, including sprinkles and flakes!

    The afternoon was very warm, so we spent some time reading and hearing some stories while listening to some waves and looking at some beautiful sea landscapes to finish the day.


    Overall we had a great time and the day was a huge success! 

  • Dad's Afternoon

    Fri 16 Jun 2023 Miss Khan

    This afternoon Rowan and Birch classes invited their dads (or another loved one) to come and spend some time in school.  We had so much fun doing different activities together, including paper tower building, paper aeroplane making, blindfold obstacle course, natural object picture making, find the pictures in the woods, and sharing stories together.  The afternoon just flew by and the children were so proud to show their loved ones around our school.  Thank you to all the adults who gave up their time to come and join us for this special afternoon.

  • Year 3 trip to Weald & Downland

    Fri 09 Jun 2023 Mrs H & Miss T

    The children had a fantastic day today, especially with the beautiful weather we were treated to which was perfect for an outdoor museum. We were fortunate enough that 'The Repair Shop' was filming LIVE once again and we got to watch the cameramen do their work! We saw a wide range of houses from a variety of different eras, many of which had staff members inside re-enacting how it felt to live during that specific era. We also enjoyed learning about the flour being made in the mill and the fresh bread being made in the bakery which smelt delicious! Your children showed all of the school values beautifully and did the school proud, remembering to show members of the public just how GREAT Great Binfields truly are! Have a wonderful weekend.