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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Weather and School Update

    Wed 28 Feb 2018 Ms Rogers

    Many of you would have seen that some schools have decided to close already.  We are planning to open tomorrow morning (Thursday 1st March) if it is safe to do so and we will of course keep you all informed of our decision making so please check our school website, emails and texts before you set off on your journey to school in the morning.  I would like to make it clear that if you do not feel safe about bringing your child to school then you will have to make the decision whether you can make that journey as school cannot make that decision for you.

    I suggest that the children plan to bring in sensible shoes/boots, warm coats, hats and gloves as well so that if there is snow we can have a play.  World Book Day dress down will go ahead but feel free to pack a change of home clothes in a named carrier bag for the children to change into if their attire is rather skimpy!  Please tell your class teacher if you have done this so that they are aware of this extra change of clothes.

    If throughout the morning the weather becomes too severe we will inform you of any decision to close part way through the day, so please do keep your phones and emails open and regularly check our website.

    Once again keep safe and hopefully we will see you all tomorrow for some snow fun, but of course I'm sure you'll understand, I will have to close the school if I consider that the children and staff's safety are at risk and we certainly don't want anyone stranded at school.

    Kind regards,

    Jules Rogers

  • Year 1 Grandparents' Day linked to the children's Toys Topic

    Wed 21 Feb 2018 Ms Rogers
    This morning Cedar Class had a lovely time showcasing their learning to their grandparents and parents who came along to support them. Everyone got involved in all of the activities provided and very much enjoyed the tea and cakes the children made for them too. It was so lovely seeing the closeness between the children and their families as well as seeing the absolute pride in their faces as they shared what they had achieved throughout the term.  Well done children you did a grand job of sharing your Toys Topic learning with your visitors and I am 100% sure this will be a memory that you will all cherish for a very long time. 
  • Welcome back everyone - it is Reading and Writing Week.

    Mon 19 Feb 2018 Ms Rogers

    The children have come back refreshed after their half term holiday and are very excited about our special week this week. We are having our annual Book and Writing Week and this year the theme is 'Without Words'. The staff have been busy preparing lots for the children to get their teeth into and the children are already busy creating some wonderfully creative work based on their class' picture book. I can not wait to see how this learning progresses throughout the week.

    Here are a few pictures of our children involved in their learning that I captured this afternoon. KS1 also had their weekly Open The book story assembly too - always a good part of their week.

  • Dress Down day and Cake Sale Fundraiser

    Fri 09 Feb 2018 Ms Rogers
    Thanks you to all of you who supported us today. The response was overwhelming and we received a grand total of £575. So £287.50 will go to 'Jed's Physio Cause' and the other half will go towards a school grounds project we have in the pipelines - which is fabulous.
    Have a great half term everyone and enjoy your cakes!!
  • Year 1 Practicing their money skills

    Fri 09 Feb 2018 Ms Rogers
    Year 1 have been busy practicing their money skills this week and it was lovely seeing them get out of their comfort zone. Keep trying hard guys and you will get there. They are certainly not giving up until they are proud.
  • Love of Family Day

    Fri 09 Feb 2018 Ms Rogers

    On Wednesday, our children participated in a ’Love of Day’ - this time the theme was ‘Family’. The children learned about; Family trees, similarities and differences between our families, respecting family rules and members as well as designing special rooms for family members to enjoy too. Some of our children had the opportunity to write about what their role is within the family—what they do to help and be part of their family. Some children completed fact sheets about a family member and interviewed a friend about their family. Year 3 created a picture of a family member in a Picasso style. Check out the pictures below.


  • Safer Internet Day

    Thu 08 Feb 2018 Mrs Barnhouse

    On Tuesday Great Binfields participated in the National Safer Internet Day. The main focus of this was about how we can use the internet positively. As part of this each year group had a slightly different focus. For example Year 3 read a variety of statements and then decided whether they would be happy/you should share these things with the public, privately or with a chosen group of people such as friends and family.


    A whole school assembly finished the day discussing positive ways we could communicate online and the effect it has when negative messages are sent. The assembly finished with this video clip: reminding children that sometimes technology does get a bit much for us all and it's ok to take a break from the online world. 


    Please do go and read the Digital Parenting Magazine as it is really good and full of useful tips:  

  • KS2 Athletics Competition

    Wed 07 Feb 2018 Miss Hunt

    Yesterday afternoon, 15 KS2 children represented our school phenomenally well in the Basingstoke Primary School cross country competition. I predict that there were around 15 schools competing, which meant that there were a lot of children running in each heat. The Year 3/4 girls ran first and showed sheer grit and determination in order to run the distance of the field. The Year 3/4 boys ran next and performed fantastically well too. Luckily the sun was shining which helped keep the children a little warmer in the harsh winds at Down Grange. Finally the Year 5/6 girls ran their laps, followed by the Year 5/6 boys. By this time the field was incredibly muddy so they all did extremely well to not lose any shoes – which many other children did! I could not have been more proud of our Great Binfields children. Thank you to all of the parents that came to support their children on the side line too.