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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Christmas letter to the children of Great Binfields

    Thu 21 Dec 2017 Ms Rogers
    Dear Children......
  • Carol Singing at Tesco to help raise Funds for Charity

    Wed 20 Dec 2017 Ms Rogers

    Our KS2 choir made us very proud today as they sang beautifully for shoppers at Tesco. Everyone was very impressed and you certainly made them smile as they entered or left the store. Thank you lovely choir for raising funds for charity. It is greatly appreciated and thank you Miss Khan for leading them to a super standard.


  • Golden Time

    Tue 19 Dec 2017 Ms Rogers
    This afternoon after being full from our Christmas lunch, we had our Golden Time activities. Golden Time is a right for all of our children who follow our behaviour code well throughout the half term. As you will see from the pictures, there are lots of lovely activities on offer that the children can sign up to. Thank you to our super staff team, who plan and source all of the materials for each activity. The children love it and it is a big thank you for fulfilling their responsibilities in school.
  • Christmas Dinner at GBP

    Tue 19 Dec 2017 Ms Rogers

    Today was our whole school Christmas Dinner - the children ate well, enjoyed sharing the corny jokes from their crackers and thanked our super kitchen team for cooking it for them. Thanks also to our teaching and LSA staff team for serving the children and for clearing up afterwards.

    Here are some pictures from the event.

  • What a fab Ukelele Concert Year 3!

    Thu 14 Dec 2017 Miss Rogers

    The children really impressed us with what they had learned this term on their ukuleles. They have very much enjoyed being part of the Listen2Me programme and have learned a great deal. It was great seeing our children teaching their parents the c chord too! Well done everyone - we are proud of the effort you have popped in and you nailed your first musical concert.

    I would like to say a big thank you to Dr Gould who has been teaching the children this term.

  • Back to Victorian School

    Tue 12 Dec 2017 Mrs Barnhouse

    Year 3 went back in time today to learn in a Victorian school. All the children made a super effort with their outfits and took to the Victorian rules well. Some children had to be reminded of these strict rules however, such as not putting your hand up, sitting up straight and no talking unless you are spoken to, so they had to either spend time at the Head Teacher's office or wear the Dunce's hat!


    Throughout the day children practiced their handwriting, spellings and mental arithmetic. They also learnt about which countries were in the British Empire and we even listened to the National Anthem as part of our morning assembly. 


    I look forward to reading the children's recounts over the next few days, hearing what they enjoyed most...and didn't like too! I wonder if there is anything they would keep from the Victorian times in today's schooling?

  • Another Great Midwife Crisis Production this Morning

    Tue 12 Dec 2017 Miss Rogers

    Wow children you managed to pop on another fabulous production for us this morning, despite many of you being very poorly. You are all super stars.

    Here are some more very angelic photographs of your children in role.

  • Midwife Crisis - KS1 Production

    Mon 11 Dec 2017 Miss Rogers

    Wow what a wonderful performance after what has been a very eventful morning... this did not stop our children though popping on a fabulous production. The acting, singing, narration and dancing was absolutely amazing - so many lines and words to learn - but you all smashed it!! We are so proud of you all and we are grateful to you all for helping us to remember the true meaning behind Christmas.

    A huge thank you to our incredible staff team for assisting our children - you are all stars too! Thank you also to our lovely community who helped the children with their costumes - it is hugely appreciated.


    Mon 11 Dec 2017 Miss Rogers

    The heating engineer has managed to get the heating on for us - it was a pressure switch failure. I'm sure you will all be pleased to hear that SCHOOL IS OPEN.



  • Heating problems

    Fri 08 Dec 2017 Miss Rogers

    Just to give you all the heads up that our heating system has a fault that developed this afternoon.

    The engineers are due to arrive first thing Monday morning with the part that they need. Please can you ensure that your children are wrapped up well with extra layers as it will be cold in the morning. 

    Many thanks