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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

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  • Year 3 Treehouse Theatre

    Mon 31 Oct 2022 Year 3 Team

    Spookily enough... we chose Halloween to be our day to re-enact some sinister events from the past with Ben from Treehouse Theatre. Each child was given a role in one of 4 groups and then we came together in the afternoon to act out the performance from start to finish. Some of the roles included; chimney sweeps, rope pickers, Lords, judges, poor school children and rich family members. The children showed great resilience in learning their lines with such a quick turn around! The Year 3 team were blown away by the final polished performance - well done to all involved. 

  • Year 5 Travel Brochures

    Fri 21 Oct 2022

    As part of our Oh La La topic, the year 5 children have been working really hard to create their own travel brochures. The travel brochures needed to use persuasive language to persuade the reader to visit Paris. We were lucky enough to have a real travel agent, Mrs Streeter, come in and judge the brochures. She was so impressed with the children's attention detailed and chose 3 winning brochures from each class!

  • Year 6 Veteran Talk

    Thu 20 Oct 2022

    Today, Year 6 experienced a truly awe-inspiring session with a veteran who visited us to talk about his career as a Sergeant in the RAF Regiment. Our Year 6 children were so respectful throughout the session and asked lots of insightful questions about his training, different job roles and where he served on his tours during his time in the army. Whilst Ian did not serve during WWII, it was a great opportunity for the children to discuss what soldier life was like with a real life veteran we have been discussing this a lot in class.


    Ian also kindly brought in some of his own memorabilia to help bring the session to life. This included his own helmet, his medals of honour and a button shining tool which he was issued in 1958 when he first joined the RAF Regiment. Throughout the session, Ian was very honest and candidly opened up about some of his experiences during his service including how he first came under fire at the age of 18 in Cyprus. Other tours saw him travel to Borneo, Northern Ireland and Aden. It was also interesting to learn that he was evacuated at a very young age with his sister during WWII. Year 6 have been empathising with WWII evacuees within their History and French sessions so they were able to apply their knowledge when discussing this with him.


    Whilst Ian was able to offer the children lots of personal anecdotes about his time in the army, the children also enjoyed sharing their WWII inspired letters and I am Poems with him. He was incredibly impressed and was struck by how realistic and emotive the letters were. Providing an authentic and critical audience for our Year 6 children added real value to our topic and was such a lovely way to finish off our WWII focus this half term. 


    Take a look at the photos below to see how engaged and inspired the children were by our wonderful visitor today.

  • Year 6 Treehouse Theatre - Children on the Home Front

    Wed 12 Oct 2022

    Year 6 had the pleasure of performing their very own WWII themed play-in-a-day based on the real life events of ‘Children on the Home Front’. The amazing Ben from the Treehouse Theatre Company helped to bring our WWII topic to life and focused on the role of civilians who contributed to the war effort whilst at home. The children empathised beautifully with a variety of characters and took their roles very seriously. These included: soldiers, evacuees, shopkeepers and land army girls.


    We were impressed with how confidently the children delivered their lines too. There are certainly some impressive actors and actresses within the year group.


    Take a look at the photos below to see how in awe the children were of their year group performance.

  • Diversity Day - The Sikh Faith

    Fri 07 Oct 2022 V. Ellis

    Today, the children at Great Binfields Primary School looked at the Sikh faith as part of their ongoing Diversity learning. 

    Many exciting activities took place across the school from EYFS right up to Year 6.  All the children learnt that the Sikh faith is built upon the humanitarian principles of Freedom, Equality and Justice - which link to British Values and Year 2 made wonderful links to the school values also. 


    The children in KS1 learned about the 5 Ks ,which are very important to the Sikh faith, including the Kesh - which means that followers of the Sikh faith do not cut their hair as they feel it makes them closer to God. Year three learned all about the Holy Book of the Sikh faith - Guru Granth Sahib. Excitingly, Year 4 were delivered some samosas, that had brought in as a gift, by a classmate as his family are Sikh and part of their faith includes serving others and providing food and shelter, particularly in the Gurdwara - their place of worship. 

    Year 5 looked into The Golden Temple and made some fabulous models whereas Year 6 examined the festival of Vaisakhi and made Kites in celebration of this.  


    The children have really enjoyed learning about the Sikh faith. They were able to contextualise this learning and evaluate it in relation to other religions learned about throughout their time at Great Binfields. 

  • Goalball Tournament

    Fri 07 Oct 2022 Mrs Fox

    In October, a group of goalball players took part in a friendly tournament to celebrate the sport and to demonstrate their skills.

    The children played in 4 teams of 3 players, with each team scoring goals in every game that they played. All of the children demonstrated the school’s core values of cooperation and resilience during the tournament. Each competitor aspired to play their best and showed respect to the other teams. A very impressive display. Well done to all of you  who took part.

    During the tournament, we were able to make use of the new goalballs and eye masks that were bought for the school by the family of George Wells. Thank you! Great Binfield’s Goalball Players are looking forward to playing against other schools in goalball competitions later this year.

  • Digital Leaders

    Wed 05 Oct 2022 Mrs H

    Introducing our Digital Leaders of 2022-2023!


    Today the children were presented with their badges and their job descriptions ready for another exciting year ahead. We will meet again after half term where their pupil voices will become empowered and they will honestly discuss what they love about Computing at GBP and how they feel they can make it even better! Watch this space..!

  • Year 3 DT Project

    Wed 05 Oct 2022 Mrs H

    As part of our DT project on 'Seasonal food' we have been busy in the Kids Kitchen making bramley apple tarts. We launched the project by discussing the difference between fruits and vegetables and learnt some super exciting facts such as tomatoes and cucumbers are actually categorised by botanists as fruit; even though we often enjoy them with other vegetables in salads. We created a Venn diagram on fruits and vegetables then used our half-term concept/school value of 'creativity' to design an Eat Well plate with each of the food groups focusing on seasonality. This had great links to our Science work on nutrition. 

    We also wrote recipes, created online bar charts of our favourite fruits and vegetables, researched British apples and created fact files on them and created colourful collages of seasonal fruit and vegetables. We then followed a recipe to: peel, core, cut and stew our local, British bramley apples which were encased in a tart and sprinkled with demerara sugar. Yum! Our final stage of our DT project was to evaluate our tarts and think about how they could have been improved if we were to make them again.

  • Ooh La La

    Tue 04 Oct 2022

    Yesterday, as part of our topic Ooh La La, the Year 5 children took part in some French cooking and food tasting. As part of their English lessons they made yummy croque monsieurs, which they will be using for writing a set of instructions later in the week. Then, as part of French, the children tasted a variety of traditional French foods and wrote a sentence describing whether or not they liked each item. The children had a great morning!

  • Ma Humbugs Visit

    Mon 03 Oct 2022 Mrs Osborne

    Today, the year 4 children had a visit from Nicky, the owner of Ma Humbugs Old Fashioned Sweet Shop which is located in Viables Craft Centre. During the visit, she told the children about the sweets, chocolates and fudge she sells at the shop. The children also asked some fantastic questions. The children will now be producing some persuasive posters to advertise the shop in their English lessons. A huge thank you to Nicky for giving up her time to visit us.