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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

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  • Year 4 Easter Trail at Christchurch

    Tue 28 Mar 2023 Mrs Osborne

    Year 4 had a fantastic morning at Christchurch taking part in a trail of Easter activities. These activities included finding acting out the Easter story, writing messages and prayers on wooden hearts and decorating a wooden cross with daffodils to represent new life. A huge thank you to Reverend Jonathan and the staff at Christchurch for arranging some brilliant activities. Take a look at the photos to see what they got up to…

  • World Maths Day Fun at GBP!

    Fri 24 Mar 2023

    Yesterday, the children thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in the world of Mathematics to celebrate International World Maths Day 2023. There was a real buzz throughout the school as the children took part in a vast range of activities aiming to make Maths as fun and accessible as possible. Sometimes there can be a little bit of a stigma against Maths as it can be subject children find difficult. However, yesterday was all about celebrating Maths and recognising all of the different ways we use Maths in our everyday lives - ways we had never even considered before: – tessellating patterns, architecture, scientific experiments, baking, scoring games, fashion design and so much more!


    Each class also received a Maths themed book to read and focus on throughout the day. These included ‘365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental’ which Year 4 loved and ‘How Many Jellybeans by Andrea Menotti’, which caused much excitement when Year 2 considered the prospect of eating 1000 jellybeans!


    Lots of classes conducted Maths Scavenger hunts where they were encouraged to use their ‘Maths eyes’ to detect different Maths in our environment, including: finding examples of fractions, angles, symmetry and estimating how many Buttercup bunny hops it would take to get from one side of the school to the other! Art/Design Technology was another popular subject chosen to help the children identify how our Maths skills can be transferred in many unexpected ways. Year 3 thought carefully about their understanding of 3D shapes to create a junk model rocket which they then measured precisely and Year 5 enjoyed using Pringles to create their own Pringle Ringle – this sounded absolutely awesome too!


    To top the day off, we also held a school-wide competition where we asked each class to list all of the different ways that they use Maths in their life. The winning class in each key stage will be announced in next week’s Achievement Assembly but all I can say is that the classes were certainly very competitive and managed to come up with lots of unique and creative ways that we used our Maths skills without even realising!


    Well done to a fantastic day everyone – we hope you enjoyed immersing yourselves in all of the fun Maths activities. I wonder if you can continue to spot all of the different ways you and your family incorporate Maths at home!


    Have a little look at the pictures to see what we got up to.

  • Jungle Jonathon for Year 5

    Fri 10 Mar 2023

    On Wednesday, Jungle Jonathan visited Year 5 with some of his creepy crawly creatures as part of their Walk on the Wild Side topic. The children loved meeting all the animals which ranged from millipedes to stick insects, to tarantulas, to geckos, to snakes. Jonathan was able to provide the children with lots of expert knowledge about the animals and their natural habitats. Take a look at the photos of the children meeting the animals - would you be brave enough to hold them?!

    If you would like to find out more about Jungle Jonathan, visit his website -


    "It was really good and when the younger children move to Year 5 they will love it" - Elissa


    "It was an amazing experience to be able to see and touch some really cool animals" - Maxi


    "It was a good experience because I liked it when the snake licked my nose and there were some really cool colourful animals" - Sebastian

  • Year 2 Tea Party

    Thu 09 Mar 2023 Mrs Harvey & Miss Heath

    Today our Year 2s had an exciting treat. We have been working hard in class to prepare for our Traditional Tales Tea Party. It was so lovely that we were able to invite adults back into school for this event, thank you to all our guests who attended. 


     We shared traditional tales that we had written with our guests. We made some twists to these well known stories. Around the hall traditional tale characters were hidden and we went on a hunt to find them all. The most popular part of the event was trying out the delicious snacks and refreshments that were provided. It was so lovely for our children to spend time with their guests and show case some of their learning.   The tea party is a real highlight of our topic and this year was no different. There were lots of smiles all round, as you can see from the pictures