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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

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    Mon 30 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers

    Please remember that we have an Inset Day on Monday 20th April. So we will be ready and waiting for your children on Tuesday 21st April.


    For your information the training on our next Inset day comprises of 'Developing the Writing Experience through the use of Good Quality Texts' which is being led by Hampshire English Adviser, Lisa Kralius .....and we are also having an input by our very own Mr Steve Wood on Forest Schools as this is something we are developing in our school.

  • 'Ash' Parents Evening - Urgent News

    Mon 30 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers

    Unfortunately Mrs Hill is off ill today and therefore will be unable to conduct her parent teacher consultations this evening.  As a result I am having to postpone these meetings until Wednesday 22 April, which is the first week back after the Easter holidays.  I understand that this is very short notice but I only found out that she wouldn’t be in today very late yesterday evening.  I hope you accept our sincere apologies and that you can make the new date. 


    I am anticipating that you will keep to the same appointment time on the new date.   We will post a new sheet on Ash’s window so that you can remind yourselves of your appointment time.  If this causes a problem please of course come and see us and we will try to arrange another mutually convenient time.


    Once again, I am very sorry as I realise many of you will have taken time off work to try to meet this appointment.


    Kind regards


    Jules Rogers

  • Our Children Visited Christchurch For Our Special Easter Assembly

    Wed 25 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers
    Yesterday our children walked to Christchurch in Chineham to take part in a special Easter assembly. The children learned about some of the special symbols associated with Easter and also recapped the story through pictures, video clips, listening to talks and through song. We would like to thank the Church Youth Team for delivering this for us - the children got a lot out of the visit. I would also like to add how wonderful the children were - they showed good learning behaviours and sat beautifully in church - we were proud of you all. 
  • KS1 and KS2 Dance Club

    Tue 24 Mar 2015 Miss Collins and Miss Lemar

    Key Stage 1 Dance Club had three very special visitors joining them at their dance session tonight. James, Amelie and Mollie from Year 5 and 6 helped them to choreograph their own funky dances to 'The Happy Song.'


    Take a look at the photos of our dances.

  • Tournament Triumph for Year 5/6 Girls

    Tue 24 Mar 2015 Mrs Hill

    Yesterday several Year 5/6 girls took part in a challenging football tournament at Oakley Junior School. The girls showed great resilience, determination and positivity throughout each of the group games. As a result of this, they qualified to go through to the quarter finals where they triumphantly one a nail biting match against St Mary’s (1-0). Afterwards they played a semi-final with Rucstall so overall they tabled 4th out of 9 school. This was an impressive achievement considering how few practises the girls had beforehand. Well done girls, you should be incredibly proud of your achievements.

  • Woo hoo for our netballers!

    Thu 19 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers
    Our netballers had a good result today. They made it through to the Basingstoke Finals and they came 4th in their pool and 7th overall which is mid table. We are proud of them all. Miss Grainger will be feeding back the fin detail along with the team in our Merit Assembly tomorrow morning.
  • Solar Eclipse

    Wed 18 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers

    As you may be aware from some articles in the media, there will be a partial solar eclipse visible on Friday 20th March 2015. This is because at this time the moon will be closer to the earth than it has been for nearly nineteen years.  

    Northern Scotland will have the best view of the partial eclipse, where more than 98% of the sun will be covered. For us in the South it is estimated that around 85% of the sun will be obscured. According to meteorological websites the moon will be nearest the middle of the sun at around 9:30am and will have entirely passed in front of the sun by 10:41am. Meteorological advice also says that the UK will see skies become darker for approximately two hours.  

    All of us will be watching out for the light change whilst being in the hall (as it is happening at the time of our Achievement Assembly) and we will be observing how dark it gets and talking to the children about how and why the eclipse is taking place. 

    To observe a solar eclipse directly, protective glasses must be worn in order to protect the eyes from damage. If pupils have appropriate glasses then we will ensure they have the opportunity to be outside and view the eclipse. We are unable to provide glasses. 

    Please make aware to your child that, under no circumstances, will we allow pupils to view the eclipse without the approved glasses. Exposure of the eyes to direct sunlight, for even a few seconds, can lead to permanent damage or blindness. 

    A small number of parents have said they would like to observe the eclipse with their children and, on this one occasion, I will authorise children staying at home with their parents on Friday morning as long as they are returned to school at 10:45 by an adult. Please send a letter to school with your child tomorrow morning outlining you have done this so we can amend our absence records accordingly. If pupils require a cooked lunch on that day (and are staying with parents to watch the eclipse) then please phone through the order by 9:15 at the latest so that we can inform the kitchen of dinner numbers.

    Of course, the entire eclipse experience will depend on the weather on the day! If it is cloudy or raining, our view of the eclipse will not be as good as it would be on a lovely clear day. 

    We thank you for your support in this matter and hope that you are able to take time out of your day to view this too!  

  • Southampton Art Gallery Visit

    Wed 18 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers
    The children who went today really enjoyed looking at all of the paintings and sculptures being exhibited at Southampton Gallery. we thought carefully about what inspired the different artists and we looked carefully at how these artists managed to achieve each piece. The children also reflected on how each piece made them feel.  The wire workshop afterwards was a huge success - the children followed the instructions really well and are very proud of the finished figures.  I will ensure that their masterpieces are displayed in school soon so you all can see what they managed to achieve. Well done children, you made us proud.
  • A favourable result for our KS1 Footballers

    Mon 16 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers

    It was great to hear how well our KS1 footballers did on Friday. Mrs Barnhouse took a Year 2 team to play against other Basingstoke schools and they did very well. The team drew the first game and then went on to win the next three games they played. A huge well done to you all!!

    As you can imagine Mrs Barnhouse and all of us are immensely proud of you all.

  • EYFS Mothers' Day Concert

    Sun 15 Mar 2015 Miss Rogers

    Our youngest children made their mummies, headteacher, teachers and LSAs very proud on Friday. Over the past week or so, they have been working hard to learn Mothers' Day songs and poems as well as creating created some super portraits of their mummies along with some fantastic writing. They certainly made us smile. Thank you children for making our day...and I am sure that your mummies really enjoyed opening up their special letter today which you posted at the Post Office on Friday morning.