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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Water bottles

    Fri 30 Jan 2015 Mrs Barnhouse
    Please can I remind all children that they need to bring their water bottle to school everyday. Whilst the weather is very cold outside, the school is very warm! It is important to drink plenty throughout the day to prevent headaches and keep motivated! Please make sure water bottles are clearly named so if they do get misplaced they can be returned to their rightful owner.
  • Indoor Athletics at Costello

    Mon 26 Jan 2015 Miss Rogers

    Today Miss Grainger took a squad of eager Year5/6 athletes to Costello School to compete against 7 other schools in Basingstoke. Sprinting, triple jumping, javelin, events took place and we were both very impressed with the effort of all of our children.

    Not only did they try their hardest but they showed great sportsmanship too. We definitely have some super talent and was extremely pleased with the final result as we came third. We will find out shortly whether we have made it to the final round. Fingers crossed that we do.

    Thank you Miss Grainger for organising this for the children. We would also like to say a big thank you to the mum and dads who came and supported the children - it was really good of you and it really spurred our children on.

  • Children's Fair

    Sun 25 Jan 2015 Miss Rogers
    Psss Great Binfields' Children's Fair is planned for the afternoon of Friday 6th February... a letter outlining the event will make its way out to you very soon. Get your thinking caps on ..... we need to run lots of great stalls.
  • Hockey Success at Down Grange

    Fri 23 Jan 2015 Miss Brooks

    The children had a really good day! The 2 teams won a total of 5 games and drew 1 so it was a really good result! A special mention has to go to Jessie H who played for Hook as they were a man down... it was really good of you to do this Jess! Hugh was an amazing defender throughout and Dan (who stepped in for us at the last minute) managed to score - giving the team a win against Kempshott who are currently at the top of the league! We are all so proud of you! Keep this up! Great Binfields B were 4th in the Basingstoke League but should go up. Watch this space! Binfields A are currently mid table - Keep working at it!  You are doing so, so well.


  • Year 5 and 6 Proteus Theatre Day

    Fri 23 Jan 2015 Miss Collins

    Year 5 and 6 have had an extremely exciting day of making puppets and ceramic fruit!

    The sessions were delivered by three members of the Proteus Theatre team in aid of a healthy eating project they are running called 'Shake it Up'. The work the children produced is absolutely fantastic and will be used in a range of follow up lessons this term. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our fantastic day!

  • Key Stage 1 Science Day

    Thu 22 Jan 2015 Mrs Barnhouse

    Oak, Chestnut and Beech Class have had a busy day investigating materials. In mixed Year 1 and 2 groups, children had to test which materials could be changed by different forces and how this could be helpful or not when making toys. They also had to think about the materials they would use to make a bed for their class bear, fix a doll's dress and compare which materials were used to make old and new toys. There were some great discussions throughout the day where the children made lots of comparisons. Some children spoke about toys their grandparents or grandparents had when they were younger, which helped the children to make these comparisons.


    In the afternoon children went back to their classes and got into new teams. Two teams had to create a bear from man-made materials whilst the other two teams could only use natural materials. This got the children thinking when wanting to use glue or sticky tape to build them! It was great to see how some children worked effectively in teams, taking votes for the design of the bear and materials used.


    Have a look at the pictures below to see some of their designs!

  • Year 6 in the Woods

    Tue 20 Jan 2015 Miss Rogers
    Well it was Year 6's turn today to be creative in our woods. Their task was to recreate a traditional or well known tale using mostly natural materials (but a few man-made materials were available too!). The children realised that they had used and developed many skills and values whilst carrying out the challenge. They were: collaboration, creativity and resilience. Mr Wood and I were very pleased with how they tackled the challenge and we look forward to the next round...survival skills! Watch this space!!
  • Year 3/4 Explore Light during their Science Day

    Thu 15 Jan 2015 Miss Grainger

    All of our children learned so much about 'light' from exploring lots of different stations within our classrooms yesterday. Each table had a different experiment or investigation for the children to get their teeth into. We were very proud of them all and I think they will remember the experience for some time...especially being able to be spy on people as they used periscopes around school!

    Check out the photographs below:

  • Year 5 - Aim Higher

    Wed 14 Jan 2015 Miss Collins

    Yesterday, Year 5 had a visit from some members of staff and student ambassadors from Winchester University. The aim of the visit was to inform the children about life at university. 

    The children found out about the types of courses available to study and even thought about what they would like to do as a 'dream job' when they are older. 

  • Badminton coaching for our Year 3/4s

    Wed 14 Jan 2015 Miss Rogers
    Our children are working with a qualified coach this half term to develop and sharpen up their badminton skills. You could even see by the end of their first session how much more alert the children were. Well done to you all and I look forward to seeing how well you progress throughout the half term. Perhaps you could try and take Miss Rendall on as she plays badminton on a regular basis!!