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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • And the frame is being put up!!

    Thu 28 Jul 2016 Miss Rogers

    Have you been to the boundary of our school to see the crane popping the frame in place?

    Exciting times and we are all away...typical eh?!

    Please do not enter the school grounds as building sites are dangerous places.

  • Year 6 Leavers' Assembly at Christchurch

    Mon 18 Jul 2016 Miss Rogers

    Our Year 5s walked across to Christchurch with our Year 6s for their Leavers' Assembly this morning. We are very grateful to Vicki and the team for such a lovely assembly all about soaring to new heights. The children got so much from the talk and linked beautifully to what we have been learning in school - growth mindset!

    Our Year 6 Parents will be in school later this week so that we can do our own inhouse special Leavers' Assembly.   

  • Year 1 outdoor week

    Mon 18 Jul 2016 Miss Finnimore and Miss Hanafin

    Year 1 children had a very exciting week last week.... 


    The children went on a minibeast hunt and collected some of their own using pooters. They were then able to study them and create a poster about the minibeast. They also used compasses to direct themselves around the school grounds. The children learnt the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees and created some Art work to show deciduous trees at different seasons in the year.


    The Scouts kindly gave up their time to come in and organize some activities. These included; going tracking around the Chineham area, fire lighting and cooking sausages and marshmallows, creating shelters and testing these to see if they were wind proof and water proof!


    We had a great time and really appreciate the Scouts coming in to help us!

  • Year 5/6 Afternoon Tea

    Fri 15 Jul 2016 Miss Rogers
    This week our Year 5/6 Children have been busy preparing a full on Afternoon Tea for their families. The children have baked all of the cakes and biscuits as well as made all of the sandwiches this morning. They set up our school hall beautifully and then had a training session before they eagerly served their visitors! We also had a group of photographers snapping away and musicians playing for our families too. Everyone commented on how wonderful it was and how tasty the food was. Well done Year 5/6 - you should be proud as it was a cracking afternoon.
  • Final Day of Bikeability

    Thu 14 Jul 2016 Miss Collins
    The Year 6 children really enjoyed their final day of Bikeability today! They learned how to perform a safe right hand turn from a major road into a minor road junction. They also tried out some u-turns and re-capped the skills from yesterday. Well done to all of the Year 6 children for completing the Bikeability course!
  • Year 2 trip on the Watercress Line

    Wed 13 Jul 2016 Mrs Barnhouse

    Year 2 had a fantastic day on the Watercress Line today. It was certainly a fun-filled, busy day right from the start! We started our journey at Alresford, before travelling along the train line on a steam train. The children loved hearing the chugging of the train and the whistle blowing. The rest of the day saw us travel to Ropley and Alton. At Alton we saw the locomotive engine be reattached in order for us to return to Ropley. We could also see the men working hard to refill the fire with coal, preparing the engine to get us moving again. At Ropley we had a tour of the engine yard. We learnt about the different parts that hold the train together before going around the engines to search for the nuts, bolts, rivets and many more parts...ask your child if they can remember what else they needed to look for. On the train there were lots of conversations about our journey, following the route on a map and discussing forces and how the train moved. Lots of children (and adults too!) said what a great day they had. I hope the children are able to tell you lots more about our day too!


    Thank you to all our parent helpers who also came along today. It was really appreciated!

  • Bikeability Day 3

    Wed 13 Jul 2016 Miss Collins

    Year 6 completed their third day of Bikeability today which was a lot trickier than yesterday as they got to cycle on busier roads! They focused on: signaling, left and right turns out of a junction, giving way to other vehicles and claiming their lane. 


    Once again, the Bikeability staff commented on how well the children had done. Well done Year 6! 

  • Bikeability Day 2

    Tue 12 Jul 2016 Miss Collins
    Today the Year 6 children ventured onto the road to learn how to do a safe start and stop on their bikes. They also tested out their skills of making a u-turn in the road. All of the instructors were extremely impressed with them and mentioned how well behaved and polite all of the children were. A big well done to all of the Year 6 children!
  • Cricket Final

    Mon 11 Jul 2016 Miss Grainger
    On Thursday 30th June the year 5/6 boys cricket team played in the county final tournament at St. Cross cricket ground in Winchester. A first for Great Binfields to reach this stage of the competition, what an achievement in itself. There were 15 schools there from all across Hampshire who had won their district competition so the standard was extremely high. The boys absolutely played their hearts out, winning their first match comfortably. The second match was lost by 6 runs, a good close match that challenged us and made sure we were on our toes. We then won the final match in our group securing us a place in the quarter finals. With a plethora of parents there to support, the quarter final was a nail biting experience, especially for myself and Mr Wood who could only watch from outside the boundary. Captain Cian stepped up directing his team and along with everyone, made sensible decisions. Unfortunately we lost by 3 runs. The opposition playing a really smart game with nothing we could do. The closeness of the final result shows how well matched the teams were and how deserving the GB boys were to get to that stage. Well done to everyone and a big thankyou to the parents for coming along to support.
  • Basing House

    Mon 11 Jul 2016 Miss Corcoran
    Year 5 had a great opportunity to go to some of Basing House today and dress up as Tudors. They were super at sharing their knowledge of the Tudor times and taking part in traditional Tudor activities including: jousting, dancing, colouring stained glass windows, creating medicines and fighting the Spanish Armada. Back at school, we then learnt about Hans Holbein and started painting portraits in the style of his work.