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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Holly Class visit Tesco

    Tue 20 Oct 2015 Miss Khan
    On Tuesday 20th October Holly Class visited Tesco for a Farm to Fork workshop.  We looked at the different symbols on food, especially the Fairtrade symbol.  Julie for Tesco then took us to different parts of the shop and we learned all about where our food comes from.  We had lots of fun, especially when we had to taste the chocolate buttons to see the difference between milk and white chocolate.  At the end of the session we had a story about Kevin the giant who only ate one type of fish and sadly that fish eventually ran out.  Following this story we tried some fish paste on crackers before learning to open a banana like a monkey.  It was a wonderful afternoon and everyone learned something new.
  • Raise funds for School via Easyfundraising

    Sun 18 Oct 2015 Friends of Great Binfields
    Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation for Great Binfields Primary School? There are nearly 3,000 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury's, who will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to Great Binfields Primary School to say thank you for shopping with them.
    It's really simple, and doesn't cost you anything.
    All you have to do is:
    2. Sign up for free 
    3. Get shopping - your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to Great Binfields Primary School. It couldn't be easier!
    There are no catches or hidden charges and Great Binfields Primary School will be really grateful for your donations. Please feel free to pass this onto your friends and family members.  The more people we have using this, the more funds we will receive for our children.
    Thank you for your support.
    Friends of Great Binfields
  • Welly Planting Success

    Sat 17 Oct 2015 Miss Rogers

    Yesterday, many of our children ably supported by our super team of volunteers helped to transform our new play area. Thank you to all of you who donated wellies and plants over the past week - as you can see from the picture below, the area looks fabulous and our children have promised to look after it. If they can we will certainly add to it and develop other areas around our school very soon too. I would like to thank everyone who gave up their time - not only did they help with the planting in the new area but many also helped to tidy up our gardening beds around school as well. Thank you Miss Lyddon for organising the troops - our children are certainly already benefitting from being outdoors and school is looking great and thank you Mr Lyddon for popping over to drill them all on the fence. What a team effort!!

    More pictures of the children gardening to follow.

  • Parking News

    Tue 06 Oct 2015 Mrs Worgan

    The Management Committee at the Chineham Centre has today erected bollards from the Long Stay Car park to the unofficial path to the play park as they have deemed that path unsafe to use.


    From today parents have permission to use the South Car Park and then use the footpath from there to school.  This is a tarmac path which is very suitable for pushchairs and all pedestrians and we are very grateful to the Chineham Centre for allowing us to use this area for parents to park.  It may take time for the traffic wardens to realise parents are parking there to walk to school, so if you should  happen to be issued with a parking ticket please bring this into school and we will have it cancelled for you.


    However, please note you are only allowed to park and then leave the site between 8.30am - 9.15am and then from 2.45pm - 3.30pm. 


    If you leave the site outwith these time slots you are liable to receive a ticket and we will not be able to have this cancelled.  This arrangement only applies to the South Car Park.


    If you would like to display a sign showing you are walking to school we will be happy to provide this for you.  Please contact the school office staff for this.

    I would ask all parents to try to use this facility where possible. It is only takes a few minutes to walk along the footpath and it will make our school much safer if fewer people try to park in Binfields Farm Lane.

    Kind regards

    Mrs Worgan

  • Minions stowaway at GBP!

    Thu 01 Oct 2015 Miss Rogers

    I was walking along our corridor about 4.10pm this afternoon after dropping off our rugby players at their league matches and I heard some very excited children in Beech Class. School had finished - what could the children be doing?? After poking my head around the class, I saw lots of minions playing with our children from Puppet Making Club.

    I quickly took a photo as evidence of what I saw but I forgot to down load it. Watch this space - photo to follow soon!

    They are great puppets children - you should be so proud. A huge thank you to Mrs Davis (and Miss Lyddon and Mrs Barnhouse who assist when needed) for starting up this club - I think it is a real hit!!

  • Harvest Festival

    Thu 01 Oct 2015 Miss Rogers

    Today our children walked into Basing so they could visit St Mary's Church for our annual Harvest Festival. Thank you for all of your contributions. I would like to thank Miss Khan for organising this and for the vicar of St Mary's for leading it. It is important for our children to think about where our food comes from, give thanks in what ever way they wish and donate some food to those less fortunate then ourselves.


  • Love of Different Religions Around The World

    Thu 01 Oct 2015 Miss Rogers

    Earlier this week, all of our children had our first 'Love of Day' of this academic year where we look at themes associated with social, cultural, moral and spiritual learning . The theme for this one was Love of Different Religions around the World. This time we looked at the beliefs of various groups from around the world and as a result not only did our children learn lots but our teachers learned so much too! We do say that everyone is a learner at GBP!

    Each year group shared their designated religion learning with the rest of the school during a sharing assembly in the afternoon. It is always lovely hearing how much the children get out of these days and it helps our children to learn how to be more tolerant of other people's beliefs.

    Ask your children what they learned on this day and many children made something too.

    Thank you to our teachers who once again researched lots beforehand to make this day as informative, enjoyable and enriching as possible.

    Photos to follow.