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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

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  • GBP children are passionate about this cause!

    Fri 31 Jan 2020 Ms Rogers

    Look at our wonderful campaigners - they are passionate about keeping our local library open! Well done to you all - your letters and posters are all so, so a clear message that our local library is a resource we need to cherish not banish!


  • Year 5 Library Visit

    Wed 29 Jan 2020 Mrs Osborne
    Year 5 enjoyed a trip to Chineham Library this morning. When they were there, they had a talk from the librarians about the Dewey decimal system and what they can do in the library. They were then given the chance to take a book out if they had their library card with them. Some children also enjoyed doing some of the word searches and crosswords available on the craft table. Take a look at the photos to see what they got up to...
  • Musician Visitor for Year 2

    Thu 23 Jan 2020 Mrs Irons
    Mrs Lutener kindly came in to show Year 2 her flute and piccolo today.  As part of their Traditional Tales topic the children are looking at The Pied Piper and the instrument he plays - the pipe. This led to them finding all about the instruments in the woodwind family. 


    If there are any other parents who play an instrument and would be willing to come in the school to share their love of music, Mrs Irons would love to hear from them. Thank you Mrs Lutener for sharing your passion for these instruments with our children. 

  • Year 4 - Home Learning Project

    Thu 23 Jan 2020 Miss Hanafin

    Ash and Pine Class have just completed a two week home learning project, centred around researching an element of our new topic 'Extreme Earth'. They could focus on a weather type, an extreme landscape or landmark, a natural hazard, a human caused hazard ... anything that links to our topic! We encouraged the children to use a range of research opportunities and really get into what they wanted to present. 


    We were blown away today as the home learning came in. We had posters, flash cards, models, cakes, Lego, leaflets and more. It was clear that everyone had chosen something that they were interested in finding more about. What was also clear was the hard work and enthusiasm that had created such wonderful learning. It was nice to see how everyone had taken the project in different directions. 


    This afternoon we did class swaps as the children got to explore their classroom museums and ask each other questions. Lots of children and adults in school have been walking past marvelling at some of the pieces. I know Miss Rogers was particularly impressed with the content of what had been shared. Well done Year Four.

  • Year 4 - Everest talk

    Thu 23 Jan 2020 Miss Hanafin

    As part of our new topic Extreme Earth, Year Four have been reading and watching diary entries about climbing Everest as well researching the mountain and area itself... all working toward writing our own diary entries as if we were mountain explorers ourselves. Today we were lucky enough to have Mr Clark come and visit us again to share his own incredible journey up Mt Everest. Mr Clark climbed the mountain as part of a Scout group and was able to share with us some amazing pictures, stories and information about his adventure. The children were amazed by the views he captured. It was fantastic to hear from someone who has actually completed this monumental challenge and everyone was excited to hear more. Not only this, the children also got the chance to see and hold some of the climbing equipment that was actually taken up the mountain. We are very grateful to Mr Clark for taking the time to share his experience with the children. 


    Something that really shocked us was how long it takes to prepare for an expedition of this kind... 8 years of training it took in order to brave Everest. We think this is the perfect example of showing determination, resilience, passion and bravery - lots of our school values! We wonder what mountains Year Four are aiming to climb.....


  • Year 6 - Hampton Court Explorers!

    Mon 20 Jan 2020 Miss Hunt and Miss Crossley

    Year 6 had an excellent day at Hampton Court Palace. Maple Class were the first to attend a fantastic workshop aimed at encouraging the children to think carefully about the use of primary and secondary sources when considering historical events. Using replica objects and excerpts from contemporary Tudor sources, the children were curious to determine how the past is constructed; this involved an in-depth discussion about the concept of bias: “history is written by winners!” Meanwhile, Oak Class had the opportunity to explore the palace itself and retrace the steps of Henry VIII through the never-ending corridors. Particular areas of interest included Henry VIII’s kitchens and the Royal Chapel, where Jane Seymour's heart is believed to be buried under the altar. After a well-earned lunch break, Oak and Maple swapped activities to ensure they all gained a wealth of knowledge and continued to develop their curiosity surrounding the Tudor period from our visit.


    We are sure that the children were eager to share their stories and new facts with you as their excitement was so lovely to watch as we explored the secrets of Hampton Court! Take a look at some of the photos from today to find out more...

  • Twinings Workshop in Year 6

    Wed 15 Jan 2020 Miss Hunt and Miss Crossley

    Today, Year 6 had the treat of a visit from Mr Amos, who works as part of the marketing team at Twinings. Linked to the free Twinings Infusions samples that the children received before Christmas, the children learnt all about the process of marketing a new product in a competitive field such as drinks and juices. We learnt that the Twinings Infusion product took over 18 months to create and involved around 100 people! The children were amazed that there were so many intricate aspects to ensuring the success of one idea. As class teams, we also managed to thought shower some new and innovative ideas that could boost product sales even further…we certainly have some budding entrepreneurs that’s for sure!


    Mr Amos was also able to kindly link our discussions to a design technology project that the children will be undertaking as part of their Jamaican topic in the Summer term. This will involve the children mimicking the stages of production and marketing for their own fruit smoothies. We’d like to thank Mr Amos for taking the time to help provide such a valuable experience for the children whereby they can start to make real links with future job prospects.


    Feel free to see what your children can remember with a little question to reflect back on our discussions: can you remember the three main stages of marketing a new product?

  • Year 5 explore Highclere Castle

    Wed 15 Jan 2020

    Today, Year 5 visited the Egyptian exhibition at Highclere Castle. During the visit they took part in a range of exciting activities such as, creating their own cartouche, dressing in Egyptian clothing and exploring Tutankhamun's tomb by candle light. They also saw relics discovered by Lord Carnarvon, some were over 5,000 years old! Storm Brendan was kind to Year 5 and the sun shone as they took a tour around Highclere Castle's grounds, as well as taking a peek at the Secret Garden. 


    The visit has sparked the children's curiosity about the topic and they are looking forward to writing diaries next week about the discovery of the Boy King's tomb. The children were fantastic representatives of Great Binfields today and we were extremely proud of them all. 

  • Marvellous Maps

    Fri 10 Jan 2020 Miss Hanafin

    This afternoon, Year Four had a great Geography discussion - we should have done it in Geography yesterday but we got so carried away with our first activity that we ran out of time! Our job was to solve some challenges about where different countries in the world were in relation to the equator and identifying which hemisphere they were located in. The children used great logical thinking and quickly identified continents, used directional language to narrow it down even further.


    We then played a game where one person chose a location and gave Geographical clues to their partner about where it was (e.g. South of the equator, to the right of ____) until they could finally locate the winning place. The children were quick to remind Miss Hanafin and Miss Grove that there is a world map at the back of our home-school diaries that could be used to complete this game at home. Maybe you could try it too!