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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church

    Fri 27 Sep 2019 Ms Rogers

    I am so proud of our whole school today. We all enjoyed our walk down to St Mary's Church and only got a little wet coming back.  The service led by Reverend Heather was lovely, the children shared some lovely learning and they all sang beautifully. Thank you for your super donations too - we had a really good amount to share. Mr Quilter has taken them to Food Bank this afternoon - they were very grateful. When I get a moment before I head home, I will pop some photos on our school website

    Year 1 had a look at the route we took when they got back and we believe it to be approximately 1.2 miles each way - so we have been very healthy! Just to think children across the world walk this distance to school every day. 

    Your children may be a little tired tonight so an early night may be needed.

    Happy weekend everyone!

  • A memorable Science session!

    Thu 19 Sep 2019 Miss Hanafin

    Yesterday Year Four had a great afternoon up on the field exploring ... our digestive system! We used some every day items such as a sandwich bag to represent the stomach, a single tight to represent the small intestine, orange juice to represent stomach acid, water to represent saliva, crackers and bananas to represent food and a bowl to represent the body. We explored how our digestion begins with teeth grinding up the food and then slowly moving down where our muscles begin to further break it down as our body soaks up the nutrients and minerals from our food. 


    Can you remember the answers to these questions...

    -How long does it take for food to travel down the oesophagus into the stomach?

    -How long does it take for food to travel to the small intestine?

    -How long is the small intestine?

    -How long is the large intestine


    This is definitely a Science session we will remember, lots of 'ooooooh's and lots of 'yuck's from our Year Fours yesterday. 

  • WW2 day - quick, that's the air raid siren!

    Wed 18 Sep 2019

    Year 6 had an excellent World War Two themed day today. They started the day by filling out an identity card, which they had to keep on them at all times (just in case anyone thought they were a secret spy!). Following this, they took part in a variety of activities such as: sewing, cooking homemade blackberry and apple pies, medal making, gardening and army drills. For lots of children, the highlight of the day was spending time in our brand new Anderson Shelter! The children were able to empathise with how civilians would have felt during WWII when the air raid siren would sound. We also looked at propaganda posters and analysed some of the key messages the government were trying to encourage back at the Homefront. What do you think the true meaning behind the slogan 'Keep it under your hat' is?


    Take a look at our photos to see what we got up to...

  • The Farm came to visit Year 1!

    Wed 18 Sep 2019 Miss O'Hagan
    The children in Year 1 really enjoyed and learned so much yesterday from their farm visit. The children asked so many great questions as well as answered lots of the questions posed too. This visit really helps our Y1 children get into their 'Food and Farming' topic and as you can imagine, they absolutely loved grooming and petting our visitors! It was great to see. Can you remember any facts we learnt from our visit? Such as, the name of a female goat, chicken, pig and sheep? We really pleased with the politeness the children showed towards the visitors and were very lucky that the rain held for us! 
  • Cyber Ambassadors Programme

    Tue 17 Sep 2019 Mrs Holdsworth
    The Digital Leaders in Year Four and Five were today treated to a visit from Marcia at the Crime and Police Commision Office who worked with them on a national 'Cyber Ambassadors' programme. She was absolutely blown away by their knowledge about staying safe online, but we all learnt lots more through the cyber safe 'monsters' which we were introduced to. Mrs Holdsworth even learnt a thing or two along the way! These Digital Leaders will then pass on their knowledge to the children in their year groups.
  • Welcome back

    Mon 09 Sep 2019 Ms Rogers

    All of our children have settled back in to school very well and they have certainly made a very good first impression. It was lovely hearing about their summer holiday news and getting excited about chatting and meeting with their friends again.

    As a staff, we really have missed them all so it is lovely seeing our school full of children once again.