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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • EARA Conference

    Mon 27 Feb 2023

    Last week a few of our pupils were lucky enough to attend the Spring Term EARA Conference. EARA stands for Equality and Rights Ambassadors. The session focussed on using tools/ mediums other than our voices to champion an issue. In particular for this session the prime focus was art. We met an artist and activist called Osman Ahmed. He shared some of his artwork with us and we discussed the messages they may have been trying to communicate. After that, we created our own designs/ pieces which could be used to advocate equality and rights.

  • Year 1 Tea party

    Thu 09 Feb 2023

    Year 1 had a really exciting day yesterday as we welcomed visitors into the school for a tea party. Year 1 have been working hard this half term and they have been carrying out tasks based on toys. This includes a biography and a piece of toy art. Each child invited a grown up in to share their work with them. We also had games to play with the grown ups including pin the nose on the teddy. Some of the grown ups even bought in their old toys to show us. It was very exciting and the children loved finding out all about the different toys. We all had an amazing afternoon. Thank you to all the grown ups who took the time to attend. It was lovely to see the pure joy in the children's faces when they were telling you all about our topic. 

  • Digital Leaders lead the way on Safer Internet Day!

    Wed 08 Feb 2023 Mrs H

    I'm so proud of our Digital Leaders who successfully presented our whole school Safer Internet Day assembly launch yesterday. They really did themselves proud and it was a great start to the day for all. The theme this year was: 'Want to talk about it?' Speaking of which, we highly recommend you do exactly that and speak to your children about what they did on Safer Internet Day as it looked different in every year group. What can they remember about what was discussed? What did they do? Which key messages have they taken away from the day? 

  • Thank you Mrs Gilham - Year 3's First Aid Day

    Wed 08 Feb 2023 Mrs H

    A huge thank you to our Parent Governor Mrs Gilham for once again bringing the children's learning to life in the form of Year 3's First Aid Day. Whilst they always have great fun bandaging each other and pretending to put each other in the recovery position, they also understand the seriousness of the day. They always get a huge amount out of it and, let's hope they don't need to use it anytime soon, how wonderful that they know the basic life skill of First Aid. Thank you once again Mrs Gilham for taking time out of your busy schedule to make this day happen for us once again. We are super grateful.