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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Superb Effort Yellow Team!!

    Fri 26 Jun 2015 Miss Rogers

    The children continued to put in so much effort this afternoon and they loved having their families into join us from 1pm. A first for GBP! It was great seeing so many of you here - It was a great surprise. Thank you for taking the afternoon off to come and support!

    We had so many positive comments about the event and it was also really nice to hear how wonderful the older children were with the younger ones - so a huge thank you to our junior children. You were all super stars and it shows how much you care!

    So on to the winners - last year our yellow team came fourth but today they changed that around to secure a win with 1986 points! This is an increase on last years' total too. A huge well done to you all.

    Red Team came second (the same as last year). Blue Team came 3rd and Green Team came 4th. Mrs Worgan will arrange for the trophy to be engraved as soon as we can.

    We have some lovely photos of the day - enjoy looking through all of them with your family. I'm sure you will have some very sleepy children this evening...they all looked shattered as they left school this afternoon.

  • Sports Day Has Begun!!

    Fri 26 Jun 2015 Miss Rogers

    Wey hey and they're off! This morning we are doing some of the traditional events and the children are competing really, really well. They are also having a tremendous amount of fun! The weather conditions are almost perfect and we hope it stays this way!


    We are very much looking forward to welcoming our families this afternoon so they too can join in and see their children working as a team to collect as many points as possible. Please arrive from 1pm for a 1.15pm start. Our children will file out in their teams and you will be able to follow them to their first sports activity station.

  • Year 6 Graduation

    Thu 25 Jun 2015 Mrs Hill

    Today Year 6 went to Winchester University for their Year 6 Graduation Ceremony. A fun day was had having a campus tour, learning about higher education and student life. It was great to hear that many of our children already have some amazing dreams and ambitions for their future...remember to dream big and keep persevering. Those dreams will come true! I'm sure your parents would agree that the highlight of the day was seeing you all looking incredibly smart in your graduation robes collecting your certificates. Year 6 have achieved so much at their time at Great Binfields; this was a special day full of wonderful memories for both themselves, families and their teachers. As the end of the year draws near, we wish them all the best of luck in their future education and careers.

  • Maple Class Golden Trail Treat

    Thu 25 Jun 2015 Miss Lemar
    This afternoon Maple class put on their smartest party clothes ready for our class treat. The children have been working very hard, as a team, to earn all of our class gold spots, on our trail. Everyone was very excited when we earnt the last spot and we all voted to have a disco. As well as bringing in our party clothes to wear, we played lots of party games and had some refreshments. We had a great time dancing the afternoon away. Miss Lemar and Mrs Gibbs are proud of us all for supporting each other and our great teamwork, which earnt us this super treat. Well done Maple Class! 
  • EYFS Visit Alice Holt

    Wed 24 Jun 2015 Miss Lemar

    Today, 24th June, Early Years visited the Alice Holt Forest, in Farnham. We had a great day exploring the Forest in the glorious sunshine.  All the children enjoyed going on the habitat trail, where we got to climb on a wooden owl, butterfly, bat and wood pecker. Some of us even got to meet the Gruffalo who was hiding in the woods, this was great fun. The day ended with us playing and exploring in the giant play area and we had a fantastic time on the wonderful pirate ship, some of the children even saw Captain One Leg! The children were fantastically behaved and represented the school in a way which we are very proud of. I think it is safe to say that we shall all sleep well tonight! Enjoy looking at some of our pictures from today.

  • Windsor Castle Trip

    Wed 24 Jun 2015 Mrs Barnhouse
    Year 1 and 2 had a great day visiting Windsor Castle as part of our topic; Kings, Queens and Castles. Unfortunately the Queen was not in residence on the day of our visit, however this didn't stop us having a fantastic time. Our day was busy with seeing the Changing of the Guard, the Staterooms and St George's Chapel. Children found out lots of fantastic facts - sharing these with friends and adults alike. Children used the audio guides to help them find out lots of information, which I'm sure they will share with you at home! It was lovely to see the children so animated when putting facts from the classroom into reality! I was very proud of how engaged and well behaved the children were; they demonstrated a great knowledge and understanding of castles. Well done Key Stage 1!
  • So Proud of our Yanonomo Anvil Concert Goers

    Wed 24 Jun 2015 Miss Rogers

    There have been many instances in my career where I have had 'happy tears' where the children I have worked with have made me so proud and I had one of those moments last night  when I went to see lots of our children perform at The Anvil for the Basingstoke  Primary Schools Music Concert. Miss Khan has been working so hard with some members from our Choir to learn a huge number of songs and our Dance Club have also worked tirelessly with Miss Collins to create professional looking fantastic dances that accompanied the songs being sung. This year we also had some children in the orchestra and they too performed brilliantly - showing that their hard practice had paid off. Thank you to The Hampshire Music Service for supporting them in their music sessions.


    I just wanted to say a huge thank once again to everyone who represented our school as they were  fabulous and it really did make the teachers, support staff and I so proud of you. They were ‘so inspirational and professional’ as the lead organiser stated.


    I believe that primary school is all about rich experiences and wonderful memories that make you love learning for life. I just want children to believe  that if we follow our dreams and aspirations and grab every opportunity like these guys have done here, then you will go on to great things.



  • Chris Evans: Parents Must Read to their Children

    Mon 22 Jun 2015 Miss Rogers

    I know I bang on about the importance of reading to you all on a regular basis but spare a few minutes to read this article on the Telegraph website.

    I know Chris Evans is a bit like marmite - People either love him or dislike him...but what he has written in this article has really struck a chord for me and it is something I'm 100% behind him with. I can honestly say that it brought a tear to my eye and I will be sharing the article with all staff today so that they too read it.

    Have a read and see what you think? I welcome your thoughts.

  • Anvil Rehearsals Underway

    Mon 22 Jun 2015 Miss Rogers

    Many of our KS2 children are involved in our annual Anvil concert - Yanamamo and they have been putting so much into their practices ready for the actual concerts this week (Tuesday and Wednesday evening) at The Anvil. We will have quite a number of children in the choir, lots of dancers and we also have children performing in the orchestra this year.

    I hope all of you who have tickets are looking forward to seeing Yanamamo - I'm sure, as usual, it will be amazing! Check out the photo below of one of the recent rehearsals at a secret location in town.

    More photos will be added from the actual performance later this week.

  • Holly and Maple Class - Dad's Afternoon

    Fri 19 Jun 2015 Miss Khan
    On Friday 19th June Early Years had a Dad's Afternoon to celebrate father's day.  We invited all of our dads to come and join us in school for the whole afternoon.  During the afternoon there were several activities we could choose from including a picture hunt, making a photo frame, interviewing our dad, paper aeroplane competition and creating our own photo.  We all had lots of fun and loved having our dads in school.