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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Jungle Jonathan Visits Year 5!

    Tue 17 Mar 2020 Mrs Osborne

    Today, Jungle Jonathan visited Year 5 with some of his creepy crawly creatures as part of their Walk on the Wild Side topic. The children loved meeting all the animals which ranged from a scorpion, to stick insects, to tarantulas, to geckos, to snakes. Jonathan was able to provide the children with lots of expert knowledge about the animals and their natural habitats. Take a look at the photos of the children meeting the animals - would you be brave enough to hold them?!

    If you would like to find out more about Jungle Jonathan, visit his website -


  • Traditional Tales Tea Party

    Tue 17 Mar 2020
    The children in Year 2 had a fantastic time this morning at their traditional tales tea party. They seemed to have lots of fun sharing their stories and puppets with each other, as well as enjoying all the lovely sandwiches, pizzas and cheese straws they has made. We will be sending their stories and puppets home later today so they can enjoy sharing them with you. 
  • Year 3 Play in a Day

    Tue 17 Mar 2020 Mrs Barnhouse
    On Monday Year 3 had the Treehouse Theatre visit for 'A Play in a Day'. These are always fantastic days that the children thoroughly enjoy; it was certainly a busy day! Children were split into groups throughout the day where they had around 40 minutes to learn a scene linked to the Victorian period before it was all put together in the afternoon. Children had to rehearse their lines thinking about expression through their voice and body. Every child took part... almost 60 children produced a play in a day! It was a great opportunity to revisit our Victorian topic from Autumn term, remembering what it was like for children to live in Victorian times. We look forward to inviting the Treehouse Theatre back again next year!
  • GBPS Orchestra performs at Christchurch Chineham

    Mon 16 Mar 2020 Mrs Irons

    Last week our talented school orchestra played in a joint schools concert at Christchurch, Chineham. The four other school orchestras that joined us were Oakley, Fairfields, Hook and St Mary's Old Basing. The GBPS orchestra played 3 pieces they have been working on all term called 'Tango', 'Cha Cha' and 'Over There'. For 3 members it was their first ever concert with the orchestra but without a hint of nerves they all played wonderfully. Our final piece was 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' played by all the orchestras together and conducted by the wonderful Mrs Ludford from Hampshire Music Service. Mrs Irons and all the parents watching were very proud of them all. 

  • Year Four Theatre Crime Day

    Mon 16 Mar 2020 Miss Hanafin and Miss Grove

    Year Four came into school today faced with a reconstruction of a theatre crime! A local theatre had thousands of pounds worth of jewellery stolen from a safe and four key suspects have been revealed - it is up to Ash and Pine class to solve the mystery. They have explored evidence that was found at the scene including old camera film, a pair of glasses, train tickets into London, a dinner reservation booking and more. They have also examined key documents linked to the suspects including emails, audio recordings, movie bookings and financial communications. The children also had a chance to create evidence sketches of the stolen jewellery and of course, all of the children's finger prints were taken - just to be sure! During the course of the day, the children used their inference skills to get to know the profiles of the suspects and even got into character in the 'hot seat' in order to ask some probing questions. 


    The children will be writing their own suspense stories telling the tale of their chosen culprit, their motive and their cunning plan. Each story will be different and we are very excited to see them develop over the next few weeks. Have a look at the pictures to see the detectives at work. 

  • Science week

    Fri 13 Mar 2020

    Great Binfields have been taking part in the National Science week this week. The theme was diversity and all year groups explored this in different ways. Each year group had exciting activities planned including testing how water affects how ice melts, checking our fingerprints and testing which type of water is best for dissolving bath bombs. The children swapped year groups for some activities, to explore the experiments other year groups were looking into. The week has been a real success, with the children being amazed by their findings. It has been a real joy seeing the children become excited by the idea of science. Many have now decided they want to be scientists when they are older, so I hope this is just the start of their scientific adventures! 

  • Year 5/6 Netball Match

    Tue 10 Mar 2020
    This afternoon, Great Binfields played a netball match against Oakley Junior School. For some of our team, this was the first time playing a competitive netball match and they all did amazingly! The final score was 7-5 to us! Thank you to all the parents who came to support and to Oakley school for hosting. A great game played by all!
  • Coronavirus - Update Website links

    Mon 09 Mar 2020 Ms Rogers

    Please refer to the following websites for guidance and the government's response


    School will continue to send out alerts and updates regarding the current situation as we receive them from Hampshire LA and the DfE.


  • Year 3 Rugby lessons

    Thu 05 Mar 2020 Mrs Barnhouse
    This term Year 3 are having rugby sessions as part of their outdoor PE. Roger Filby attends weekly to teach the children rugby skills which will soon be used in a game of tag rugby. Despite the mixed weather children have enjoyed being outdoors learning new skills; they have certainly had to focus when trying to control a rugby ball because of its unusual shape! Children have practised controlling the ball around their body, whilst standing still and moving, before learning how to pass the ball efficiently. These are all skills the children can continue to practise at home (with any shaped ball!) If children are interested in playing rugby for the school team they should come and speak to their teacher... we are always looking for new recruits!
  • Year 5 - GIST road safety visit

    Tue 03 Mar 2020

    This afternoon, Year 5 were visited by GIST to discuss the importance of road safety and the steps the children can take to make sure they are being safe around vehicles (especially lorries) when out and about. 


    The children were lucky enough to explore one of GIST's articulated lorry and learn all about blind spots, remembering 'if you can't see the driver, the driver can't see you'. The children also had to work out how far 25 metres was, a safe distance from a lorry moving at 30 mph - this was quite tricky to guess!


    Thank you to GIST for your time and for answering all of the children's questions.