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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Year 1/2 Footy at Powerleague, Brighton Hill

    Sun 18 Mar 2018 Ms Rogers

    Year 1 and 2 children did themselves very proud on Friday afternoon, I was one excitable headteacher as I watched them work so, so well as a team. Not only did they show great skill, resilience and determination throughout....but they showed tremendous sportsmanship too. Miss Crossley, the parents and grandparents who came to support the children thought so too. We couldn't help but smile and cheer them all on.

    Our team of 10 mixed girls and boys won 6 of their 7 games and drew in one. A phenomenal result.

    A special well done to 3 of our players who were highlighted for their skills and they will have the chance to train at Reading's football development centre.

  • British Science Week 2018

    Fri 16 Mar 2018 Miss Corcoran

    We have had an awesome week celebrating Science week and have all had so much fun carrying out investigations and learning new things! The theme this year was Exploration and Discovery so we have all had an explorer to learn about including Christopher Columbus, Gertrude Bell and Valentina Tereshkova. Each year group have been taking part in a range of activities – have a read below to find out more! We hope you are enjoying creating your science week posters and look forward to seeing them all!


    In EYFS, the children have been reading the book Baby Brains and carried out an Astro-Nappy investigation to find out what are the best materials for absorbing liquid. They also created mini fact files about the astronaut Valentina Tereshkova and found out she was the first woman in space!


    Year 1 carried out different investigations linking to materials. For their first investigation they needed to create a shelter box that would keep an egg safe on impact. Each group chose one material type and chose to fill their box in any way they thought would best protect the egg. They dropped the egg from a height to watch whether their predictions would be correct. Only one egg broke! They then had a problem from the three little pigs. They had to help them build a house from new materials to test what would keep them safe from the wolf. In groups, the children chose their materials and structure style to build a safe home and tested it using an air blower.


    In Year 2, the children were looking at different conditions of growing a bean plant in, specifically focusing on sunlight. Some children decided to see if they could grow theirs in a cupboard, some put theirs in direct sunlight in the window and some just on the side to investigate the different effects. Year 2 also became plant doctors and have been trying to nurse a plant back to health. Year 2’s focus explorer was Sir James Cook and they created informative posters about him.


    Year 3 also focused on plants and carried out an investigation into what a plants need to survive. The children planned their investigations with some deciding to cut off the roots of their plant, cover the leaves or only give it a limited amount of water. They also researched Charles Darwin, finding out about his discoveries linked to natural selection and evolution.


    Year 4 have been learning about Sir Edmund Hillary, the 1st man to reach the summit of Mount Everest. They created posters about him and his life. As well as this, they had the task of saving a ‘sleuth’ of gummy bears who had been trapped in ice from the cold weather a few weeks ago. They had to investigate which was the quickest way of melting the ice. The children planned what they were going to do and came up with some super ideas such as putting it under the hand-dryers, holding it in their hands and running it under the tap. Luckily they managed to save the majority of the gummy bears!


    Year 5 and 6 had the task of designing an ecological house to help look after the environment. Their ideas were amazing; they all thought carefully about each aspect of a house and how to make it more environmentally friendly. Ideas included putting solar panels on the roof, insulating the walls of the house, recycling water and having an electric charger for electric cars. They also carefully followed instructions to make wind turbines from paper and learnt about Gertrude Bell - an English explorer who travelled through the Middle East.

  • 'Egg'cellent Tesco Display

    Thu 15 Mar 2018 Miss Lemar & Miss Grove
    The children in Year 1 have been busying making multimedia eggs, which look so eye catching and striking on display. The children have used printing, painting, cutting, college and sequins to design and create their eggs. They have certainly done a 'cracking' job and had a lot of fun doing so. Do you know why eggs are symbol of spring and Easter? When you are next in Tesco check out the display, it is labelled and near the exit of the shop. 
  • Rock and Pop Music Concert

    Tue 13 Mar 2018

    This afternoon the children of Great Binfields were treated to a wonderful musical concert as Rob, from The Rock and Pop foundation, showed off the talents of his pupils during our weekly music assembly. Here are some photos to show you just how fantastic the children who played their instruments were. The audience were in awe of their skills and many children left the hall feeling inspired to learn to play an instrument themselves. A big well done to all of those children who performed and thank you to the parents who came along to support their children.

  • World Book Day

    Fri 09 Mar 2018 Mrs Osborne
    Although a little later than planned due to the snow, yesterday we celebrated our Great Binfields World Book Day. It was lovely to see all the children and staff dressed up in their costumes and sharing their favourite books with each other. Lots of World Book Day themed learning took place around school too. Take a look at the pictures to see some of the wonderful costumes...
  • Celebrating Mothers' Day this week

    Fri 09 Mar 2018 Ms Rogers

    Our children have been busy making Mothers' Day Cards this week to show their appreciation for their Mums, Grans, Nans and other special females in their lives. In addition to this, we had our Annual Mothers Day Sale, where the school community donated a small gift from home and then the children had the opportunity to purchase a gift yesterday for £1. Our children loved going to the GBP make shift shop to choose. Thank you to our lovely volunteers who helped run it after it was all set up. It is hugely appreciated.

    Today our EYFS children held their Mothering Sunday Concert and Activities afternoon. As usual, there were many happy tears and laughter. The children did remarkably well to sing and read out their special messages to their mummies. The portraits the children created were brilliant. I know that Mrs Davis and Miss Khan were all extremely proud of the children.

    As a school, we hope all of our Mums have a lovely Mothering Sunday.

  • Year 5 and 6 Basingstoke Trip

    Wed 07 Mar 2018 Mrs Osborne and Miss Hunt

    Oak and Maple classes had great fun in Basingstoke town centre today. The children explored the history and culture of our fantastic town.

    We took a trip to Thomas Burberry's old shop. Did you know that Thomas Burberry is well known for designing the waterproof trench coat for soldiers during WWI which he patented as 'Garbardine'? As well as this, we visited his grave which is situated in the Holy Ghost Cemetery.

    The Willis Museum was a popular stop off point and gave the children lots of interesting facts about the history of Basingstoke. Luckily, there was also a Star Wars exhibition in the museum, which went down a storm!

    Finally, we visited St Michael's Church, which was badly hit during the WWII bombings.

    The trip was finished off nicely with a run around in Eastrop Park. We expect the children feel just as tired as the adults do after all that walking and exploring!

  • We have some great 'Snow Challenges' for you!!!!

    Fri 02 Mar 2018 Ms Rogers

    1. Play out in the snow - making sure you are all wrapped up warm as that wind is very cold!!!!!

    2. Make something creative - snowman, snow angel or any type of snow creation.

    3. Take a picture of your creations with you (and your family in it) and email them to so we can share the fun you have been having in assembly.

    4. Snuggle up with a favourite book - and then perhaps you could then recreate one of the characters by drawing, collage, junk modelling or even with snow.

    5. Play maths games on Abacus or Education City - your username and passwords are on in the inside of your Home School Reading Diary Book.


    I look forward to seeing you all safe and sound back at GBP next week

    From everyone at GBP.

  • School is feeling lonely without you all!

    Thu 01 Mar 2018 Ms Rogers

    Here are some photos of school covered in snow. School looks so pretty!  I am really hopeful that it will be safe to open on Monday and that we will still have some snow so that we can enjoy playing in our school grounds.

    Have you also noticed how quiet everything can be when it snows? Perhaps you can talk to your family why that may be?

  • SCHOOL IS CLOSED FRIDAY 2nd MARCH - Sorry for any inconvenience caused

    Thu 01 Mar 2018 Ms Rogers
    Due to the worsening conditions and further forecasted snow and ice overnight and tomorrow, the decision has been taken that the school will remain closed on Friday 2nd March - this is to ensure the health and safety of our children, staff and parents. It has not been an easy decision to make but has been done with the best of intentions. We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes you. Hopefully we will see everyone on Monday.