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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Year 1 Outdoor Week

    Mon 12 Jul 2021 Miss O'Hagan

    Last week was Year One Outdoor Week. It really is one of the highlights of our year and the children were so excited to get stuck in. Throughout the week, the children took part in a huge range of activities. We searched for minibeasts all around our woods and outside grounds, we created minibeast hotels, we created a 'listening map' of what sounds we could hear outside and much, much more. The children had lots of opportunities to get a little adventurous with their learning and test out their ability to problem solve and communicate effectively with each other. One of our highlights was having Miss Lyddon with us. She showed us how to create a fire safely and then let us toast marsh mellows around it!


    The children were so enthusiastic and happy to get involved with all of the activities - possibly coming home a little bit more mucky than when they arrived! Thank you again to everyone involved in putting Outdoor Week together and well done children for your fantastic learning. 

  • Year 6 visit the Willis Museum

    Mon 12 Jul 2021

    Despite the drizzly start, Year 6 enjoyed a super trip to the Willis Museum in Basingstoke Town today. Ms Rogers came along with us too and led an insightful and inspiring discussion about the life of Matisse and his artwork. The children then explored the gallery with a fantastic level of curiosity and enjoyed observing Matisse’s vividly bright designs. They all demonstrated fantastic behaviours in a gallery setting, some of whom had never visited a gallery before. The curators even commented on how well behaved the children were and how nice it was to hear visitors within the museum once again. We also made the most of the Willis Museum itself and learnt lots about the history of our local town over the past 200 years. The children were shocked at the style of the 1960s kitchen!

    Take a look at our pictures to see how much fun we had.

  • Year 5 Visit to Butser Farm

    Fri 09 Jul 2021 Mrs Osborne

    Year 5 had a fantastic trip to Butser Farm today to learn about the Vikings and Saxons. They took part in activities such as spinning wool, clunching (making Saxon cement), pottery and a tour of the Saxon houses. The staff at Butser Farm were so impressed with how well-mannered and hard-working the children were, so they should be very proud of themselves. Take a look at the photos to find out more...

  • Year 6 - a taste of the Caribbean

    Thu 08 Jul 2021

    Year 6 have had a jam-packed week exploring the flavours of Jamaica. On Monday, we were lucky enough to have the lovely Miss Brookes, a GBP governor, come into school and cook Jamaican style food with the children. The smells travelled far and wide throughout the school making everyone’s mouths water! On the menu was jerk chicken, mango salsa and rice and peas. Miss Brookes did not hold back on the heat as there was even a scotch bonnet or two involved in the marinade for the chicken! The children carefully prepared an aspect of the meal for the whole year group to enjoy and it certainly went down a treat. All of the children appreciated tasting new and exciting flavours and some even had seconds!


    Later on in the week, the children conducted their own research by taste testing a selection of different smoothies available to buy in the supermarket. From this, they were able to make informed decisions about the flavours that would best work when creating their own smoothie flavours, in keeping with the Caribbean flavours of Jamaica. On Thursday, the children had the opportunity to chop, slice and prepare their fruit ready to blend and overall there was a positive consensus that their creations would give the big brands a run for their money.

    Have a look at the pictures below to see the fun we had when tasting the exotic flavours of Jamaica.

  • Year R trip to Hillier Gardens

    Tue 06 Jul 2021 Miss Khan

    Today Birch and Rowan classes had a wonderful visit to Sir Harold Hillier Gardens.  We were determined that the weather wasn't going to stop our fun so we kitted ourselves up in our wellies and raincoats and off we went.  Luckily we didn't need to worry as other than one short shower, the rain stayed away.  Once at Hillier Gardens we had fun exploring the gardens, including going through the bamboo and visiting the pond.  Over the day we completed four different activities.  These were pond dipping, smelly caterpillars, building animal dens and minibeast hunting.  The children showed great understanding and impressed us with their fantastic knowledge.  We were so proud of Year R and think that they will sleep well tonight.

  • The Romans Are Coming!

    Tue 06 Jul 2021

    Year 4 was a very fierce place to be today .... we had Celtic warriors and people of Rome enjoying a range of activities learning more about our History topic.


    Our morning consisted of a rotation. At station 1, we created our own Roman inspired shields. We looked at the colours and patterns and worked hard on our design. At station 2, we learnt all about  aqueducts - a real legacy of the Romans. Miss Grove tasked us with a team work challenge to make our own. Did yours work Y4? At station 3, we learnt more about Roman roads (close to home really) and the structures developed by the Romans. We used some sweet treats to help us demonstrate the layers. We also used some natural items to dye fabric, just as the Celts in Brittania would have. It was a little smelly with the cabbage but certainly good fun.


    We then had a go at 'Roman snack or send it back'. We had to decide which foods we thought the Romans would have eaten and WOW were some of them surprising!! We finished the day creating our Celtic knot inspired art based on our very own initials. The responses were just beautiful.


    It was such a wonderful day seeing everyone dressed up and enjoying a highlight of this topic. The children were so thoughtful and enthusiastic within their learning today and all of the adults commented on how sensibly they conducted themselves to make the most of the activities. 


    Here are some quotes when the children reflected on the day - 


    "It was a really fun day and we did lots of exciting activities. My favourite was probably making the shields." Jessie 

    "Today was a thrill of excitement when we saw everyone come in dressed in Roman and Celts outfits. My favourite activities was doing the roads, learning about how they made them and what they used." Francesca

    "I found the day fun, especially making the shields. I liked being in costume." Isaac


    Have a look at the photos to see what we got up to. 

  • Binfields Got Talent auditions are under way!

    Mon 05 Jul 2021

    It is that time of year where our children have been auditioning in year groups to get through to the final round of BGT! There have been some amazing auditions happening and we look forward to seeing them come together virtually this year.

  • Summer Virtual Concert

    Thu 01 Jul 2021 Mrs Irons

    We are proud to present the Great Binfields Primary School Summer Virtual Concert.

    This concert not only showcases the musical talent we have at the school, but also how each child has embraced our school vision of Learn, Grow, Achieve!

    We know you will be as proud of them as we are. Enjoy the concert.

    The video is available to watch on the school website from this link: